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i have two speeding tickets, one for 64 on a 45, and doing "86" on a 55. First, the speeding ticket is gonig to be around 230, with traffic school. second insurance wont look at it, they dont care. My insurance broker, doesnt include it. so work ur way around it, if anything it might be like 20 bucks extra, upon time of renewal.

Wow! The first answer couldn't be more wrong unless the two know each other and have the same insurance company. There is no way to answer the question without knowing many more details than can be provided in this forum. I will tell you that many insurance companies don't check your MVR after you are insured with them unless you give them a reason to such as file a claim. If they don't ask you don't have to tell.

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Q: If you just got your license and a speeding ticket for 58 in a 45 how much will your insurance go up?
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Often out of state tickets will not show up on your license if you just pay them. Failing to pay a ticket brings it to the attention of the state, and it gets put into the state drivers license database. Once that happens, the insurance companies get a copy of it and it affects your insurance rates.

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The ticket will be reported to NC and treated just as if you received the ticket in NC as it applies to your insurance rates so the answer is yes.

If you get a speeding ticket in Texas do they report it to other states?

No. In fact I just got a 180$ speeding ticket in Texas and they didn't even check my insurance because it was an out of state vehicle. However, if they ran your insurance when you got pulled over (out of state vehicles sometimes they dont) then it will be reported to your insurance.

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i just turned 16 and got a speeding ticket what is going to happen!!! nothing, your insurance is going to go up and prolly bend you over but other than that depending on the speed you'll only get 2 or 4 points on your license. No big deal, but you can pay extra to the court or something like that to keep them from turning it into your insurance company but you have to sign a paper stating you will not get another ticket for the next 6 months or year, i can't remember. Your fine, just use cruise control as much as possible

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Yes, you can get a ticket. And just like if you were driving your own car, you can risk having points on your record and an increase in insurance.

Can a simple possession ticket raise your car insurance?

Wow Dude. Just like a simple speeding ticket, a simple dui, and simple open container ticket, or just about any other ticket or accident. It also will most likely get your insurance cancelled with most preferred insurance companies in the country. Sorry.

Can you renew your license in TX if you just received a speeding ticket and it is unpaid?

If your court date has not passed yet, or the ticket has not yet been reported to the Motor Vehicle Office as unpaid, then yes you can renew your license.

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Of course you will still have to pay for it. And the ticket is probably already in the system and will appear when you go for the new license.

Does a speeding ticket affect your insurance rates in Kansas?

Speeding tickets and other accidents and violations will affect your auto insurance rates no matter what state you are in. The speed at which you were speeding can also affect your rates. One minor ticket will make very little difference in your insurance rate. Some companies do not increase your rate for just one minor violation in a three year period. It depends on the insurance company and their regulations.

Does speeding ticket from Ohio count against a license in Connecticut?

Absolutely. You have one drivers license. The ticket is tied to this drivers license number and therefore will go on your driving record no matter what state the license is from. It will definitely show up on your record.

Your dad just got a speeding ticket and the officer put the incorrect insurance company under Evidence of Financial Responsibility is this justification for the ticket to be invalid and dropped?


Will a risk of an accident ticket affect DMV or insurance records?

No: this type of ticket involves no points on your license, its just a fine.