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Q: If you hit someone jaywalking who is at fault in bc?
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Who in BC is most at risk of a tsunami?

Coastal communities in British Columbia, especially on the west coast of Vancouver Island and the Haida Gwaii islands, are most at risk of tsunamis. Populated areas near fault lines, like the Cascadia Subduction Zone, are particularly vulnerable due to the potential for large earthquakes triggering tsunamis. It is important for residents and visitors in these areas to be aware of evacuation routes and emergency preparedness plans.

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bc darry hit him

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bc he gets mad He gets mad.

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someone died

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yes, if the owner of the "non-fault' vehicle is with out it for the time it is being repaired.

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It wasn't created by someone, it just happened.

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no because tornadoes only happen in the dang united states

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Bc someone was too stupid to figure it out themselves

If someone was born in 384 BC and someone else was born in 1214 AD about how many years apart were they born?

1598 years.

In 1990 a person is 15 years old In 1995 that same person is 10 years old How is this possible?

This is possible if you are talking about years BC. Someone born in 2005 BC would be ten years old in 1995 BC and fifteen years old in 1990 BC.

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