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you are... by law, its tish enit

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Q: If you hit a car from behind because someone else braked in front causing them to brake suddenly whos fault is it?
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Should you get a ticket if you hit someone from behind?

Answerno, because it wasn't your fault if a person hits you but you didn't hit them. but if you were on the wrong side of the road, then its your fault.AnswerIf you are driving and you hit another car from behind, the initial presumption is often that it was the other person's fault for stopping suddenly. However, circumstances may suggest that you had a share of the blame, and then you may be ticketed.

Who is at fault when a car brakes suddenly and you are going 30 mph?

Anyone who hits someone from behind is at fault. Even though it may seem like the driver in front shouldn't have done what they did.

What is the duration of Someone Behind You?

The duration of Someone Behind You is 1.4 hours.

Should you talk solftly when behind a horse?

Yes, it is recommended to speak softly when approaching or being behind a horse. Sudden loud noises can startle the horse and potentially lead to dangerous situations. Speaking softly can help keep the horse calm and prevent any unnecessary reactions.

When was Someone Behind You created?

Someone Behind You was created on 2007-08-22.

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The duration of Someone Behind the Door is 1.62 hours.

When people miss someone do they talk behind there backs?

Sometimes, because some people that don't intend to show emotion for example missing someone they intend to talk behind there backs to try not to show what they are really feeling.

Is fallout 3 hard?

yes, it is especially when you are on low ammo and low health, and suddenly you find someone jump on you from behind or something like that but there is a few easy enemies and quests but most of the time it's hard i think

What is the difference between next to someone and behind someone?

next to is when you are to the left or right of a person, behind someone is when your back is facing them