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If you are under 18, yes.

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Q: If you have your own car insurance policy can your parents be sued if you live in their home and you are involved in auto accident?
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Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident i had an accident with rental car my parents insurance would cover?

You don't have to live there as long as you are listed on the policy.

In an accident who is liable the 18 yr old driver or the parents who own the car and insurance policy?

parents if the insurance is under their names

Your sister got into an accident with your car and you don't have insurance she is listed under the parents insurance who pays?

Parent's policy pays

What happens if I get in an accident and only have your permit?

If you are in your parents vehicle and you are on their auto insurance policy, you would be covered.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident?

You do not have to live with them as long as you are listed on the policy.

Can an 18-year-old covered under his parents' insurance policy be sued for an accident if his parents allowed the policy to lapse without his knowledge but he had given them his monthly payment?

Yes, the person is an adult and if the accident was his fault is responsible regardless of the status of the insurance coverage.

What is liability coverage on auto insurance?

This means that if the accident was your fault, your insurance will pay(up to an amount that is on your policy) for the other property and persons involved in the accident. Liability insurance does NOT cover your vehicle damage.

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.

If an unlicensed driver was involved in an accident in one of the vehicles on your auto insurance policy Will your insurance cover the charges?

Maybe. Did the unlicensed driver have your permission to be operating the car when the accident occurred? If so, maybe not.

What is accident policy?

An accident policy is an insurance policy that will pay all or a portion of medical expenses incurred in the course of an accident.

If a car is titled to an 18- year old but she is under her parents insurance policy whose responsible if she gets in an accident?

She is.