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Yes, every incident requires a deductible

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Q: If you have to minor car accidents do you have to pay 2 deductibles?
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Related questions

What are the best deductibles to pay on car insurance?

It is hard to say the best deductible to pay for car insurance since it will vary by person. It depends on how much a person could afford to pay out of pocket if they get into a pocket, and if a person thinks that they would get into accidents often.

If you accidentally hit your wife's car with your car and both vehicles are insured on the same policy will you have to pay two deductibles or will it be treated as a single accident?

You need to check with your agent. In some cases, accidents involving relatives are not covered.

Are car insurance deductibles cumulative or per claim?

Car insurance deductibles are the amount which the policy holder must pay out of their own pocket in the event of an accident. It is standard for deductibles to be applicable for each claim.

What happens if you hit another car owned by you Do you pay the deductibles for both cars?

you have to pay for the damage since insurance will only briefly cover it

Why do car accidents happen?

Car accidents happen when two cars do something stuppid at the same time and location. If people would pay attention and not be in a hurry no accidents would accur!

Can you put a lien on a car I sold to minor and she won't pay for?

It is possible. If the minor is your child and the child is still a minor, you can take the car (as a repo). If the child is no longer a minor, you may have to go through channels.

If i hit my dog with the car is the dog covered by insurance?

if you have pet insurance that covers accidents then the insurance will pay

What should you do to aviod car accidents?

Pay attention, allow enough stopping distance when following another vehicle.

Does insurance pay for your car if it burns you?

Kind of an odd question. If you get burned from something on your car, that isn't caused by a mechanical fire , I doubt if your insurance company would pay you anything. Their liability is for accidents and damages done to other cars in traffic accidents. You need to provide more info for a better answer.

What car alarms offers to pay your insurance deductible if it fails?

Insurance deductibles actually work in the opposite way. Your insurance company may require you to purchase separate stereo insurance.

If a child rides his bike into my car do the parents pay the damage costs?

if your car was parked and it wasn't an accident in traffic, yes, the parents of the minor have to pay for your car if you don't have an insurance that would cover that.

Why does a male have to pay a higher insurance rate for car insurance?

Men have to pay higher rates for car insurance because, statistically speaking, men have a higher rate of accidents. They have a higher rate of DUI-accidents, and also a higher rate of serious accidents than women. Because men appear to be riskier, less-defensive drivers, insurance companies have to adjust their rates accordingly.