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no - your insurer is under no "obligation" to help you. Best bet is to pursue through small claims court. if damage is greater than small claims value - consult an attorney and negotiate a reasonable fee (usually a % of settlement amount and you owe nothing if you lose)

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Q: If you have only liability auto insurance should your insurance provider help you with a claim settlement against another insurance company after a auto accident?
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Can a health provider place a lien against monies you might receive from a car accident?

Yes. If your health provider paid your medical expenses resulting from a car accident it has the right to be reimbursed from any settlement you receive from the car insurance company. You should review any documents you received that explain your coverage.

Where can my friend find a company that offers garage liability insurance for his dealership?

A person can find garage liability insurance through their business insurance provider. There are usually several insurance providers that specialize in small businesses.

Where can I buy a construction liability insurance plan?

There is no one company that can be considered the best insurance provider, since every customer's needs are different. Contact your life insurance, home insurance, or auto insurance provider and ask about their potential policies. The Contractor's Group offers liability insurance, as well as information about coverage provided by other companies.

What are the procedures for getting an accident health insurance?

In order for one to get accident health insurance one just needs to inquire and apply with an insurance provider. One site that assists in finding accident health insurance providers is the eHealthInsurance website. Some companies that offer accident health insurance are Aflac and American General.

When involved in a multi car accident do all insurance company's need to pay you?

Not unless there are unusual circumstances. Generally the insurance provider of the person who is deemed to have been responsible for the accident is liable.

In an auto accident in California do you bill your auto insurance as the primary insurance or your health insurance?

If you have both medical insurance and auto insurance, the primary company billed will depend on the situation. If your injuries and medical costs were caused by an auto accident and you carry Medical Payments coverage, you will bill your auto insurance provider. If you do not carry Med Pay insurance coverage, as it is optional in the state of California, the circumstances will depend on who is deemed at fault for the accident. If the other party is at fault, you will bill their insurance company and will advise your claims adjuster as well. If you are deemed at fault and do not carry Med Pay, the only insurance you can bill is your medical insurance provider. Be sure your medical insurance provider does not exclude injuries caused in an automobile accident before approving chiropractic care.

Who reimburse your health insurance provider that paid for medical bills if you received a settlement from your auto insurance you or auto insurance?

The insurance company would pay them directly to make sure they are paid.

If no auto insurance will medical insurance pay?

If you have an auto accident and you do not have auto insurance with medical payments coverage for your injuries and medical costs, you may need to research the coverages available through your medical insurance policy. If you are not at fault for the accident that caused you injury, and the third party insurance provider has taken responsibility for the accident, the at fault party's liability insurance should pay for medical injuries up to the limits on their policy. Because you do not have insurance, receiving a claim payout might require more work because you do not have an adjuster working for you. If you were at fault for the accident and you do not have auto insurance, you will need to speak with a representative from your medical insurance company to discuss the coverage provided under that policy. You may have a co-pay or a percentage you are responsible for depending on if you have an HMO or PPO.

Will my car insurance cover this accident in new jersey?

Contact your insurance provider and go over the policy to determine if you are covered for said accident. Not all accidents will be technicalities or covered, so its good to be in the know. Contact your insurance providers immediately.

How much your insurance will go up after an accident at your fault having nationwide insurance?

That is solely up to the discretion of your insurance provider. Your rates won't necessarily go up, especially if this is your first claim. The Hartford insurance offers me first accident forgiveness, which basically guarantees that the insurance company will not raise my rates after my first accident. If this is your first accident and your policy includes this as well then your rtes won't rise at all.

What if you do not have uninsured motorist insurance and your car was hit while parked and the drive left the seen of the accident?

You would have to file this under your collision coverage. Depending on your insurance provider, they will list the accident as a no fault accident. More than likely, you will have to pay your deductible.