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Check your policy. it will state it there. It differs from Co to Co.

It depends on the policy you have and the dealer you get it from. If your current insurance covers everything you drive, its covered. But if not, than the dealer may offer a 48 hour binder to cover you till you can get to your insurance company.

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Q: If you have an insured car and buy a second vehicle how long of a grace period is there before you need to add the second vehicle to your existing policy?
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Is there a grace period before needing insurance after purchasing a used motorcycle?

If you are insured with another vehicle, you probably have a clause covering newly purchased vehicles. Otherwise - no.

Is diverticulosis considered a pre-existing condition?

Any disease including diverticulosis if exists before and/or at the time of filling up the proposal form for Medical Insurance will be deemed to be 'Pre-existing'. The pre-existing condition will be excluded from the purview of mediclaim for specific period which may vary from one Insurance company to other.However, if the insured person is unaware of existence of any disease like Gol bladder stone and did not mention in the proposal form, the same will not be treated as 'Pre existing'.

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After the named insured dies the vehicle would need to be insured under a new policy in the name of the person who inherited the vehicle. For the short period of time that the vehicle and other property are being probated, the legally appointed administrator or executor would have the ability to add and delete drivers. The death of the insured would need to be reported to the insurance company immediately by the executor and the name on the policy would be changed to Estate of " " with the executor listed as additional insured if approved by the insurance company.

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This is a contradiction: To "keep it insured" is to keep the coverage, not to suspend it. I think you are talking about a storage waiver, which is something a lienholder would be able to discuss with you. If you have a loan on the vehicle, the lender obviously requires you to keep the vehicle insured. If you STORE the vehicle, however, the lender can or may issue a 'storage waiver', allowing you to discontinue coverage for the time the vehicle is in storage. They set the terms and you must talk to your lender first to determine the requirements of the waiver. If you do NOT have a lien on the vehicle, no outstanding loan, then you only need to carry liability coverages. If you intend not to drive it for a period of time, you can cancel the liability coverage for the time the vehicle is in storage/not being driven. For your own security, however, you should be absolutely certain no one else has access to the vehicle during that 'storage' time.

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It's not legal to drive an uninsured vehicle, period, and I'm pretty certain every state requires you to maintain insurance in order to keep your tags, so you'd be displaying your New Hampshire number plates illegally if your vehicle was not insured.

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Can a driver with only a learner's permit be insured in Georgia?

Check with your agent, or the dept of insurance for your state, the child will need to be rated on a vehicle in the household if they are going to drive, but may be a free period until they have an actual license.

When a new car is purchased in Georgia does it need to be insured right away if the purchaser has an existing policy that covers their other vehicles or is there a grace period?

I can't say specifically for Georgia, but almost any insurance policy will cover a different/additional car for a "reasonable" amount of time. Call your agent and check, preferrably BEFORE you go car shopping.

Does comprehensive and collision transfer to a new purchased vehicle in Texas?

Yes, If your currently insured vehicle is traded in or upgraded then the newly purchased vehicle is automatically covered for the first 30 days with the exact same coverage as the vehicle you traded in. Within these thirty days you are required to notify your insurer of the vehicle change. Failure to notify the company within the required time period can void or nullify coverage on the newly acquired vehicle. Not that if the Newly purchased vehicle is an additional vehicle purchase, meaning it is not substituting or replacing an already insured vehicle, it may not be covered at all until added to your policy. This will vary by your state insurance laws. you have to notify your insurance company and they will transfer it to you until you can take it in to them to see and fill out forms.

Can you legally drive a car after buying it before you get it registered or insured?

It depends on your local law, but generally speaking you get a temporary registration from the dealer. You will probably have to show proof of insurance to get your permanent registration. If you already have insurance, usually your new car will be automatically be covered for some short period of time under your existing policy, provided you notify your insurance company first.

What is the waiting period in life insurance?

There is a lot of confusion regarding waiting periods in life insurance primarily because there are two different definitions based on the type of coverage purchased. In the vast majority of policies, those with paramedic exams and most simplified issue contracts there is no waiting period. However, there is a two-year period of contestability. If the insured dies within this time frame, the insurance company has the right to investigate and make sure there was no fraud in the application and the insured did not die from suicide. Guaranteed Issue coverage has a two year waiting period before benefits are paid. However, if the insured dies within this time frame, usually all premiums and interest are returned to the policy owner. There are also some variations to this based on contract and insured's health.

What is waiting period in life insurance?

Waiting period may refer to the period of time from when you apply for coverage until you actually are insured by the policy. In addition, some graded benefit life insurance policies do not have full coverage from the first day you are insured. These graded plans may have full coverage after a two year waiting period.