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if you have a civil wrongful death suit before you are married can your new spouse be held responsible

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Q: If you have a civil wrongful death before you are married is your spouse responsible?
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Absolutely not ! Whether you're single, engaged or married YOU are responsible for your OWN debt ! Even after you get married - your spouse is NOT responsible for debt YOU owe !

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yes, if your legally married, then your connected legally to all debts of your spouse.

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No. Your present spouse had no legal responsibility for you before you were married.

In Texas Is a spouse responsible for the ex-spouse credit card debt?

If the debt was made when they were still married the answer is yes. STATED BY AUTHOR

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Usually both parties are responsible for tax debts during the marriage. A spouse might not be responsible for taxes owed before the marriage.

If one is physically separated from ones spouse but not legally separated can one be held responsible for the debts of your spouse?

If you are still legally married, you can be held responsible. That would be the benefit of getting a divorce.

Do you owe taxes the year you die?

Yes. But since you will not be around to pay them, your estate will be responsible for paying them. If you are married and your spouse files a joint return for the year you die, your spouse could be responsible.