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the excess is how much you pay, anything over that is paid by the insurance company. So for a 1000 pound billyou would pay 500 and they would pay 500

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Q: If you have a car insurance excess of 500 does that mean you pay for the first 500 or that you pay 500 regardless?
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What does compulsory excess mean on car insurance?

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It means that whoever states their insurance is Primary, it's really Primary regardless of who is at fault. For example, the subcontractors insurance is usually primary over the GCs insurance. This means that if the sub has a claim and in all reality it's the GC's fault, but the sub listed their insurance as primary, then the subs insurance is paying first no matter what. Primary means just that, the insurance listed is PRIMARY, regardless of fault.

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The term 'excess' insurance is usually for liability coverage. An excess liability policy is also commonly referred to as an 'umbrella' policy because it offers additional coverage over other liability coverages. In the case of a subcontractors insurance, it would be a policy which would extend higher limits than the base policy on general liability and auto liability.

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what do you mean by excess? if you mean your deductible if your collision coverage is used regardless of fault you will be deducted your deductible....i need more info/details and i could be of more assistance please...

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What does the term excess in travel insurance mean?

In the USA excess usually means that the benefits are over and above any other insurance that you might have in your primary policy, For example, a homeowners policy may provide a stated benefit for lost luggage while traveling. For an additional premium, you may be able to buy an excess travel policy that provides benefits for an additional amount of coverage for the same type of loss.

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