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if your in reverse your wrong

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Q: If you go through a red light into the intersection stop realizing your mistake try to back up before oncoming traffic hits you but a car behind you followed and you back into them who is to blame?
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Yes, this is an example of situational irony because there is a contrast between what is expected (cutting her hair is a mistake) and what actually occurs (realizing it was a mistake).

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The suitors, still not realizing that this is Odysseus, threaten to kill Odysseus, thinking the murder was a mistake.

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They don't you see, they mistake humans as large fish, bite them, realizing the mistake it spits out the human and leaves, the human dies of loss of blood

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He spoke with such ignorant confidence, not realizing the full extent of his mistake.

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The last 50 feet. WRONG. I just took my online drivers-ed class and I got this question wrong after consulting this page. In California, you must use your turn signal 100 feet before the intersection. Its 100 not 50, don't make the mistake I did.

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Mistake Mistake Mistake Mistake was created in 2006.

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