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I received a speeding ticket that I talked the trooper down to writing me for a seatbelt violation. My insurance did not go up as a result of this ticket. (I live in New York).

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Q: If you get a no seat belt ticket in NY State does it raise your auto insurance?
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How much will my auto insurance raise after a speeding ticket if I am with state farm insurance?

It really depends on your policy and your state. In the state of KS for example, your insurance would be raised 5% for the first offense. I hope that helps.

Does a seat belt ticket affect your auto insurance in NC?

Yes, it will most likely raise your medical coverages.

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

Will a driving after suspension ticket raise your auto insurance in WI?

I think so since one of the factors affecting auto insurance price is driving record; and if your records shows a suspension, insurance companies will surely regard you as a high risk driver.

Which companies provide car insurance in the state of OR?

Companies that offer car insurance in Oregon are State Farm auto insurance, 21st Century auto insurance, Nationwide auto insurance, Mercury auto insurance, Farmers auto insurance, and AAA auto insurance.

Can you still get a no proof of insurance ticket with an auto insurance binder?

No....a binder is a form of proof of insurance

Can a Georgia resident get a ticket in Tennessee for no proof of insurance if pulled over?

Yes. You have to conform to the traffic laws of the state you are driving in, even if you are from another state. If you're from Georgia (which requires auto insurance by law) and got pulled over in Tennessee for not having insurance, you have to pay for that ticket in Tennessee. The only states that don't require auto insurance are New Hampshire and Wisconsin. All other states have a requirement. However if you live in New Hampshire, as an example, and drive into Massachusetts, and an officer asks to see license, registration and proof of insurance, and you are not covered, you will get a ticket for driving without insurance in the state of Massachusetts.

What insurance companies will backdate a policy to avoid a ticket?

NONE it is against their policies and state policies!! Try to make friends with someone who sells auto insurance that is your best bet.

Will an in state speeding ticket from Colorado affect your auto insurance?

The speeding ticket will go on your driving record. As to whether or not it will increase your auto insurance rate is really up to your insurance company. Many companies will not increase your rate for one minor violation if you only have one on your record. Many states and insurance companies recognize a ticket at or over 20 mph over the speed limit as a major violation instead of a minor violation.

How much does an sr-22 raise insurance?

It doesn't cost anymore, It's the ticket or violation that caused you to need the sr22 filing that will be costing you more on your auto insurance, not the sr22 certificate. So it really just depends on why you need the SR22 and with which company you are currently carrying your auto insurance policy. The sr22 does not effect your rate at all, but the violation that caused the state to order you get the sr22 may effect your rate substantially.

Who owns state Auto insurance?

State Auto Insurance Company is a large insurance company that writes auto, home, and other lines of insurance in most states. I don't believe it is part of another group but it owns other insurance companies as subsidiaries of State Auto.

Will a speeding ticket in Kansas affect auto insurance in Colorado since Colorado DMV does not enter out of state speeding tickets?

August 1, 1876