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If you're insured, the insurance company should take care of the damages, but to answer your question: You're responsible just for the car payments in case the primary owner can't make them.

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Q: If you get a cosigner for a new car and you crash it can they be held responsible?
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If the primary owner of a car files for bankruptcy and it is discharged and the car is back with the company will the co-signer be liable for the payment?

The cosigner will be the person who will be held responsible for paying any deficiency depending upon when the BK was filed. If the BK was filed under the new bankruptcy reform laws the cosigner can be held responsible for the entire amount of the loan.

If a car was voluntary repossessed and the cosigner was not notified is the cosigner still responsible?

Yes. If you signed the loan, you are still legally responsible for it.

If I am a cosigner on a car loan and it gets repo is the owner of the car responsible for the remaining balance after it is auctioned or is it the cosigner's responsibility?

Both are responsible until paid in full. It will also be on both credit reports as well.

If a parent cosigns on a car loan with hisher child and the child does not make payments can the stepparent be held responsible or have their credit rating impacted if the payments are not made?

The cosigner is responsible for the loan and payments if the signer does not pay or keep up the payments. Your credit rating can be affected.

Can you be held responsible for repossessed car if co owner had possession of car?

yes you will be responsible.

How can the cosigner be soley responsible for a repossesion of a car?

According to the law, a cosigner signs for someone else that they think might not pay off the load. The cosigner signs a contract agreeing to pay the loan off if the other person does not. He can be solely responsible becase he signs a contract promising to do so.

What can a 70-year-old cosigner on a car loan be held responsible for if the loan is found in default?

The cosigner has the same legal obligations to repay the debt as does the primary borrower. If the primary borrower defaults, the lender can begin proceedings to collect the full amount owed plus applicable fees from the cosigner. A cosigner can be sued just as can the primary borrower. And if the primary borrower claims bankrutpcy, the cosigner will still get "stuck" with the debt. The credit report of the cosigner will be equally affected, either in a positive or negative way, depending upon the circumstances.

Does the lender on a car loan have to notify the cosigner before they repossess the car in TN?

They should since they are just as responsible for making payments as the primary.

Can the car seller be held responsible for the car loan of the buyer?


If you gave a charged off car back to the cosigner would I be responsible for what they do with it?

Yes. You signed the loan agreement, so you are liable.

Can someone garnish a cosigner for a car and garnish the primary also?

In the State of Texas, the answer would be "YES" as both parties signed for the car loan and both are responsible for the balance due. I was the primary signor but the cosigner had the car and was making the payments. Then she stopped making payments after owning the car for 3 years and the car was repossessed.

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Returned car to car mart can i be held financially responsible?