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it should not affect the primary account holder's interest rate on that account, or the secondary's, for that matter. Rates on car loans are typcially fixed, so once the loan is made, the rate is guaranteed for the life of the loan, despite the credit of either individual. BUT if the primary person does not pay that particular account on time, it will affect the co-signor's credit score, which may result in having to pay higher interest on other types of loans or possibly even loan denials. A co-signor should always monitor that account to make sure that it's being paid on time to avoid late payments that may have a negative impact on their credit score. visit and check out the articles on the left side of the page for more information about how credit scoring works.

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Q: If you cosign on a car note with good credit but then after a year or so the cosigner's credit is in the toilet does it affect the primary's note or interest rate?
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a cosigner is someone that also signs a note, meaning that if the original signer dose not pay the obligation the second signer or cosigner must pay. It means, if the person getting the loan does not pay it off, the cosigner is responsible for paying the loan off.

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The car lender would repossess the vehicle and sell it off, if there is a remaining deficiency, then the lender can go after the co-signer to be paid (so yes it would negatively effect the co-signer's credit rating)

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