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YES, you are responsible for anything that concerns the loan you co-signed.

In the land of litigation, anyone can sue for almost any reason. However, a lender would require insurance be carried on an auto until the loan is paid in full. Most states have insurance requirements also. The fact that he was uninsured could be a serious problem in the liability and legality arena. The transaction might be seen as fraudulent. What you knew or didn't know about this, might decide your responsibility (if any).

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Q: If you cosign an auto loan for someone and that they have an accident and do not have car insurance will you be held responsible as well as the owner?
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For the length of the contract you sign. If you cosign on a 3 yr loan, you are responsible for the debt for 3 years.

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You would be responsible for the note or loan you co-signed for.

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The spouse is not responsible and should not have this on her credit. But the estate of the deceased will still be responsible for the debt.

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maybe it will help you -

If i cosign a loan for refinancing a home for a family member and they default what can happen?

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If you are a minor, you cannot LEGALLY cosign or sign any loan/contractual agreement.