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The law and the police will say no because you'd be intentionally increasing the likelihood of an accident, but maybe if everyone did that often enough, people would actually stop tailgating.

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Q: If you are being followed by a tailgater should you slam on your brakes?
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If you are being followed by a tailgater you should slam on the brakes to deter them from tailgatingtrue or false?

true! but.......... false if they are a aggrivated driver.

When you are being followed by a tailgater you should slam on the brakes to deter them from tailgating?

Of course you do, and if they crash into you and get hurt it's all their fault!

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run away or yell for help

When being tailgated should you speed up or slow down?

You should maintain your speed and drive predictably. Slowing down could increase the risk of a rear-end collision, while speeding up might encourage the tailgater's behavior. If possible, safely change lanes to allow the tailgater to pass.

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pull over.Always let the tailgater pass - that way he becomes someone else's collision and trouble.

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