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You'd need to be more specific about how the damage occurred. Comprehensive coverage is, in fact, a very broad coverage under most auto policies, but it can get tricky depending on the facts-of-loss.

If you'd like to put an addendum to your question on this site, I'd be happy to look at it again...

It depends. For instance, flooding is one of those things usually not covered by insurance, even if "water damage" is. Flooding is typically defined as water at a certain level in the car (and surrounding area).

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Q: If you accidentally damage your car other than by driving it will comprehensive coverage cover the damages?
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You will have to file a claim on your own comprehensive auto Insurance. The comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy would provide coverage.

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Your insurance will cover this accident if you have the appropriate coverage. Depending on your insurer, this would fall under comprehensive or collision coverage. You will still be responsible for the deductible, and the claim may make your rates go up. Consider this before filing if the damage is minimal. It may not be worth it.

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You are liable for the damages to the property that was struck which belongs to others. If you have coverage for the car you were driving, (Collision) the deductible would have to be paid. If there is no coverage on the vehicle, then it's up to the owner to repair and whatever arrangements were made prior to the accident.

Do you have to have insurance if your not driving your car?

You should either keep comprehensive coverage on the vehicle (fire/theft), or suspend the policy while not driving the car. It is becoming increasingly difficulty to insure vehicles that you cannot prove were not being driven uninsured.

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No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

Can you get insurance collision and not comprehensive?

Legally Yes, it is possible, however most insurers will decline to sell you one without the other due to the potential for a negligence claim if it turned out later that you were driving without the required Comprehensive coverage or financial responsibility.

If I have full coverage insurance but the car I was driving only had liability insurance will my insurance pay for damages?

Yes I think so since you were the driver. The insurance covers the driver and not necessarily the car.

Does your insurance cover your car when an uninsured driver is driving and have a wreck?

It really depends on the type of coverage you have. Normally if that person had permission to drive the vehicle, you have full coverage/collision insurance, and that person was at fault your insurance will cover damages. If someone else caused the accident, you would still receive damages from their insurance if they were insured. Sometimes however the driver's insurance would cover your damages under certain circumstances. As always, it is really best to ask your insurance carrier or refer to your most recent coverage letter from the company.