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2 seconds is the safe distance.

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Q: If you're being tailgated how many seconds gap should be between you and the car ahead of you?
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Is it recommended that if you're being tailgated you keep a second gap between you and the car ahead of you?

Yes. But if you are being tailgated there is little you can do to ensure the car behind you is the appropriate distance. If you slow down enough, the gap between you and the car ahead of you may encourage the vehicle behind to pass you and move into that empty spot in front of you.

How many seconds ahead do you look on the freeway?

Drivers should look 12 to 15 seconds ahead of their vehicle on city streets and ______ seconds ahead on freeways

How many seconds ahead should you search when managing visibility in cities and suburbs?

I was taught that you should look ahead a minimum of 15 seconds ahead. That equates to about a block to a block and a half ahead of you.

To be safe freeway drivers should look ahead of their car how many seconds?

10 seconds (1/4 mile ahead)

How far ahead should cdl drivers look ahead?

12-15 Seconds

Increase the distance between you and the car ahead of you to more than 3 seconds when?

your line-of-sight is greater than 30 seconds ahead

How many seconds ahead do you look of your vehicle to avoid collisions?

One should look 10 to 12 seconds ahead to avoid collisions.

When driving with good road and traffic conditions you should maintain a gap between your car and the vehicle ahead of at least?

Two seconds.

You should look at least seconds ahead of your car.?


How many seconds should you scan ahead when driving?


Drivers should look 12 to 15 seconds ahead of their vehicle on city streets and seconds ahead on freeways?

This is a statement. Please write a question .

You should search a minimum of how many seconds ahead of your vehicle to avoid obstacles in your path?

30 seconds