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Q: If two people are named on title do both have to be on insurance?
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Does both names on auto title have to be on insurance for vehicle?


Can you put tags on your daughter vehicle?

generally,a personal vehicle is regitered (tagged) in the name of the owner shown on the vehicle's title. if her name is on the title,you can supply the funds to register but it will be in HER name. (same goes for insurance,policy will be in named owner shown on title.) a possible solution might be to re-title the vehicle in BOTH your names,your DMV or an auto insurance agent can tell you what the laws allow in your state.

Can i have a car and title under my name and be added to my fiance's insurance policy without the car legally becoming his?

yes, the insurance policy is different from the car title (title is government, insurance is business) in most states, if you live together, you are both required to be insured on the car.

Where do you purchase title insurance?

When purchasing or refinancing a home, you will have settlement conducted by a Title Company, the title company is also the licensed title insurance provider. Up to two policies will be issued. Maryland Specific: If you are purchasing a property and taking out a loan, the lender will require a Lenders Title Insurance Policy. And you will have the option of purchasing an owners title insurance policy for your protection. If you are refinancing your current home then the lender will only require the lender's policy. In both instances the title insurance policies will be issued at the time of closing.

If two people are on the same policy and one borrows the other's car and causes damage whose portion of the insurance is affected?

I guess it depends on the state, but in most cases if both people are named insured on the auto policy, the insurance would stay with the car. Both the liability and the physical damage.

How do you pass clear vehicle title in Washington when both people named have died?

You'll need a letter from the court to the executor of the estate, granting permission to dispose of the property.

Should husband and wife be on the car title?

you dont have to have both people on the title.

Will your insurance company pay if 2 names are on the title?

Yes, Your insurance will still pay. However any payment for property losses will be made out to both owners requiring that both sign the check before cashing.

If you and your co-signer are on the title do both people have to sign title over when selling that car?


Can one person sell the car if two people are on the title?

If the title says "and" then both people are needed to sell the car. If the title says "or" then only one of the people is needed for a sale.

What is the cost of title insurance on a 100000 sale?

== == Title insurance cost differ from state to state, and the full question to be evaluated should be, what is the title insurance and title-related closing costs on a sale. Shop for your title company, compare the title insurance rate and fees. Find out every item they plan to charge you for, and compare them to several title companies. Be sure to do at the beginning of the transaction and don't let your realtor or broker pick the title insurance company for you. Its your choice, not theirs. Be sure to to remember that you may be entitled to certain credits depending on when you intially purchased the property, and even more of when you are refinancing. Don't forget to take control of your own transaction and compare title companies if you are refinancing too! There is usually a cost to both the seller and the buyer, and it varies from title company to title company. You have to have it. Occasionally, if the title search was done by the title company for the previous transaction, there may be a price break.

How do you get a title to a vehicle?

My husband died in Nov. and I cant find the title to the car, that has both our names on it, how can I get the car in just my name in case I ever need to sell it, I need the title for the car insurance company too, thanks