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In California You can! Again depending on what Insurance company you go with.

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Q: If the title is under the child's name can the parent still put it under their insurance?
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Can a parent take a childs car that the title is in their name and they pay the ins?

If the title is in the child's name, the child is the legal owner and the parent cannot take the car, regardless of who pays the insurance.

Does a parent have to add their name to a title that is listed on the parents auto insurance?


Can you still drive your car if insurance company has title?

Um, why does the insurance company have the title???? The only reason that the insurance company would have the title is because the car was totalled from damage. Something is very wrong here.

Can you insure and register a car under your name even if the title is under a parents name if the parent on the title is not a driver?

Yes most insurance company never ask for the title. there are Insurance company's on the web that will insure you and the vehicle weather you own it or not.

Can you get your car in your name without a license?

i pay out my car but i still need to change the title ,i have insurance but not a license can i still transfer the title in my name?

What to do if your car's registration and insurance papers are stolen but you still have the car?

You should still have the title to the car. If you take the title to the Dept of Motor Vehicles they will have record of your car's registration and will issue you new papers. The insurance company will also have record of your policy and can issue you a new insurance card.

What is a title insurance producer?

Generally speaking, a title insurance producer is the same as a title insurance agent.

Who are the largest Title Insurance companies in the US?

First American Title Insurance Company Fidelity National Financial Stewart Title Insurance Guaranty Old Republic Title Insurance Company North American Title Insurance Company Chicago Title Insurance Company

Your title is missing from your parerwork Will you still receive your Total Loss settlement from the insurance company or is a title required prior to the receipt of the settlement?

cannot imagine any situation where an insurance company would pay the entire amount without this title.......file for lost title with your state..

Do title insurance companies employ title examiners?

Title examiners are typically employed by title insurance companies

What does the term title insurance mean?

The term title insurance means insurance that covers the loss of an interest in a property due to legal defects and that is required if the property is under mortgage. Most title insurance is lender's title insurance.

If you are selling someone your car and thay wreck it who's liable for it?

If the title, registration, and insurance are still all in your name, you (or your insurance company) would be responsible.