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A supplemental or an indemnity policy will work in conjunction with your Major Medical policy, you may have to file the claims yourself though. The best place to look for an indemnity for good overall coverage is Homeland Healthcare.

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Q: If the primary insurance has a high deductible will the secondary insurance pay the bill?
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If secondary agreed upon insurance is lower than the primary insurance agreed upon price which one can the provider bill the paitent?

Primary has to process and pay claims first then secondary will process and pay leftover expenses according to their policy provisions. The secondary sometimes excludes payment towards a primary policy deductible.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

What happens when one is covered by two insurance plans?

That is if the secondary does not have a clause in it that "they will not duplicate benefits" If so they will not always pay the difference. They will figure out the amount they would normally pay, subtract what the primary pays from that amount and pay the difference (which with mine is little to nothing and I end up paying the balance of the bill) Nothing really happens, one is the primary and the other is the secondary insurance for the patient. Primary insurance will pay up to 80% of allowed charges if the deductible is met, and the secondary insurance will pay the remaining 20% of the claim, again, if the deductible for the year has been met.

What is the difference between copay and coinsurance when you have primary and secondary insurance?

A copay is a "set" dollar amount you pay at the time of treatment. For instance, a $35 doctor copay. If you have level one doctor visits, you pay nothing more than the $35 doctor copay. Co-insurance is the percentage you share with the insurance company after your deductible has been met. When you have two policies - your primary insurance will pay first (subject to deductible and co-insurance), and then your second policy starts with the balance left from the primary policy (subject to deductible and co-insurance again). For instance a primary policy with a 5,000 deductible and 80/20 co-insurance of $5000. Your bill for surgery is 6000. You pay 5,000 + 20% of $5000 (1000) = $6000.00 Your balance of your surgery bill is 0

Difference between primary and Secondary commercial claims?

There is one major difference between these types of claims. When a person has two different insurance carriers, one of them is designated as the primary coverage and the other as the secondary. The primary insurance should be billed first and normally pays the bulk of the bill. The secondary insurance gets billed for the remainder of the bill which the primary insurance did not pay for.

Can a dental office bill a secondary insurance company after the primary HMO lists the service as no charge?

Why not? What are the terms of the 2nd Insurance?

How do health insurance deductibles work?

An insurance deductible is a set amount of money that the insured is required to pay before the insurance company starts to pay. For instance, if your deductible for the year is $100.00, and your first insurance bill is $150.00 , they will only pay $50 and you will have to pay $100 (deductible). Every insurance bill after that will be paid for by the insurance company until the end of the year and then the cycle starts again. The deductible is your responsibility.

how does secondary insurance work?

Here's a basic example of how secondary health insurance works. You go to the doctor, he charges you $100 for the visit. Your primary insurance pays him $50 and disallows $10. The remainder of the bill, $40, then either comes to you to pay or to a secondary insurance. In most cases the secondary will pay most, if not all of the $40.

What is required to file secondary insurance the doctor bill or the primary insurance explanation of benefits?

Good question, read the policy. It wouldn't hurt to send both.

The insurance company with the first responsibility for payment of a bill for medical services is known as?

The Primary is the first responsiblity of medical billing and if you have dual then the secondary will cover what the primary does not if not its out of pocket or Dudctible

If insured by your employer and your spouse's employer which is the primary insurance?

Your insurance through your employer is your primary insurance, and your spouse's primary insurance is through his/her employer. If both husband and wife are insured on both insurance policies, then you have primary and secondary coverage. But you will still have to pay any deductibles and co-pays before either policy will pay. The deductible is the amount you first have to pay (usually at the first of the year) before the insurance will pay anything. The co-pay is your percentage of what the insurance doesn't pay, which for many health insurance companies is 80% for them and 20% for you. There is sometimes a co-insurance that you have to pay also. Ex: Insurance companies have a set amount that they pay for any office visit, procedure, etc. If the bill is over what the insurance pays, then you are responsible for the balance.

Does a provider have to bill secondary insurance even if the patient prefers to pay out of pocket?

If the provider is out of network or not contracted with the secondary insurance, they do no have to bill the secondary and the patient is responsible for the balance (if any) owing