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your barrery will die eventually because alternator isn't creating power for the vehicle to run on

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Q: If the alternator is not working on your car what happens?
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What happens if the alternator goes in a car?


Why is the battery on your car losing juice?

Most likely your alternator is not working properly.

How do you check alternator in 1990 silverado?

The easiest of all ways to check if your alternator is working is. Turn your car on and disconnect the negative battery cable. If your car dies your alternator is no good. But if it stays on. the alternator is generating power. its basically your cars power plant.

How do you know if your alternator is not working?

Car won't start... engine can turn over, no power.

Fast car battery drainage while car is running?

means that your alternator is not working. It is either bad or your belt is not tight.

When an alternator is bad what happens to your car?

The battery will run down and he engine will stop. You will not be able to start the engine. The alternator keeps the battery fully charged.

Can a bad alternator drain a good battery?

It doesn't actually drain the battery, but without a working alternator to recharge the battery it will only discharge as the car is operated.

What could be wrong with my car if both the battery and the alternator are good but the charging system isn't working?

If the battery and alternator are good and the charging system is not working, then you either have loose or corroded wiring or the drive belt is slipping.

Why do your dash lights flicker and your engine shuts off on your 1999 Chevy Suburban when driving?

Alternator is most likely going bad. Does your car start right back up after this happens? If your alternator is bad your car is trying to run on pure battery power and getting zero if little charge from your alternator. When this happens little by little your car will run out of power to everything and in turn shut off.

What would cause a battery light to come on in a car while it is still running?

Alternator is no longer working properly.