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if they stole your vehicle and you filed a theft report, your damages will be covered but the driver possibly will be responsible for other damage caused by your vehicle; don't allow unlisted people to drive your vehicle- your rates will increase b/c we will risk alert you

Yes, even if the person stole it or took it without your permission.

This is assuming, of course, that you have full coverage (collision and/or comprehensive on your car).

Here's the "but": But, if your insurance carrier finds out that the person who borrowed your car actually lives with you, or is a resident relative, and you never told you're carrier that the person has access to your car, it could cause problems. They'd still take care of your damages, most likely, but they might drop you or increase your rates substantially.

As for a rate increase, even if you weren't driving when the loss occurred, you still assumed some risk by loaning out your car. Your carrier will take that into consideration and adjust your rates accordingly.

Incidentally, if the person who borrowed your car also has full coverage on his or her own vehicle, your own insurance will still pick up the tab. Insurance follows the vehicle almost always...

If the person driving your car has insurance their insurance company may pay for your car if you only have liabiliy.

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Q: If someone borrowed your car and wrecked it and they aren't on your insurance will your insurance pay for it?
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