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Add your name to the deed.

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Q: If my mother is deceased and the deed and home owners insurance is still in her name and the homeowner insurance lapsed How can I get new insurance?
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Do the mother of the deceased have a right to a life insurance if the other surviving heir is an underage child?

It depends on the legislation of the country. Normally the spouse and children take precedence. An under age child of the deceased would take precedence over the mother of the deceased.

Can Mother-in-laws collect insurance proceeds before children?

insurance proceeds are distributed to named beneficiaries In addition an insurance policy of a deceased that does not have a named beneficiary will be included in the probate procedure and the state's probate law of succession will apply.

Should you renew your mother's car insurance after she dies?

Since she is deceased, she is no longer driving, so no insurance is needed. You could cancel and possibly get a pro-rated refund. If you were on her policy, you will need to obtain your own.

Who is the father and mother of Sasuke Uchiha?

Father: Fugaku Uchiha (deceased) Mother: Mikoto Uchiha (deceased)

How can you find out if your deceased mother had a life insurance policy?

My best friends mother passed away last August. She had spoke of a life insurance policy that she had taken on herself years before she passed away,however no one in the family knows how to locate it. What steps do the family need to take to find this insurance policy?

Is the Queen's mother a dwarf?

The Queen's mother is deceased, and she was not a dwarf.

Are children responsible for the debts of their deceased mother in Illinois?

The estate of the deceased is responsible for the debt.

How do i find my deceased father's national insurance number?

my mother passed away and sorting through her documents i discovered something that had not been sorted out to do with my fathers death in 2001 and i need his national insurance number to do this this site is pants. waste of space

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She does not have one, she is deceased.

Is prince's mother white?

No. She's deceased.

Is my mother responsible for my deceased father's medical bills?

The estate of the deceased is responsible for the debts. Your mother will indirectly have to resolve the debts before the assets are released.