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Q: If my daughter is driving one of my cars and runs into another one of my cars is it covered if aI don't hace collision on either car?
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Will your car still be covered by a Texas policy if your daughter is driving the car in another state?

Yes, if your daughter is on the policy, either disclosed as a driver away at school in another state or she is on the policy and is just travelling to that other state and will be there no longer than 5 days in most cases.

If I'm driving on the highway and suddenly the tire tread separates causing damages to the fenderbumpermolding etc. on my vehicle would this event be covered by comprehensive or collision coverage?

these are generally considered under the 'collision' portion of the policy.....

If your hood flys up while driving and strikes your car is it covered by comp or collision?

Comp! Collision is to fix your car if you run into something besides a car (i.e. garage door, fence, pole, etc....)

Why is it your fault if you have no collision insurance?

Fault is determined by who committed a driving infraction, not who has insurance. If you have no collision insurance, you are responsible for the damages to your own vehicle unless another driver is determined to be at fault.

How a collision can be avoided?

Not driving.

If your daughter has full coverage on her car and loans it to you is the car covered should an accident occur while you are driving it?

It depends, if the policy is a named driver policy and you are not listed as a driver then no you are not covered.

Would collision or other than collision coverage apply if a liquid chlorine jug fell in your vehicle while driving and the chlorine damaged your carpet?

That should be covered by comprehensive insurance and the insurance company will pay for damages minus any deductable.

Is an underaged driver covered if he is driving a vehicle owned by another person if that person is not in the vehicle?


If you are drivng another persons car with permission and have no insurance but the car you are driving is insured will the car insurance pay to get the car fixed since you were at fault?

This is different from policy to policy. You need to check the owner's policy to see what is covered. If the owner didn't pay for such coverage, then the damage is not covered. Provided the owner is paying for comprehensive and collision coverage the damage will will be covered, subject to a deductible, as long as the driver is not excluded from coverage.

How often does a collision occur?

driving fast

Will your insurance cover damages if your daughter is driving your car and there's an accident and the other person is at fault?

Yes but with subject to Your daughter is not excluded from your policy, you do not have a "limited" policy, your daughter holds a driving licence and has not consumed any alchohol and the insurance policy is not void. The damages to your car and to the third party property of the person can be covered up to the limit specified in your policy.

Do you have to go to court if you get a citation for driving a friends car and there is no insurance card?

If you were cited then you need to appear, if you have coverage on another vehicle then you should bring that proof with you as you should be technically covered for driving another persons vehicle.