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Talk to your neighbors, anyone see anything? Look for damage to vehicles in your area that will ''match up'' with the damage to your vehicle.

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Q: If my car was parked out by the sidewalk in front of my house and was hit and run how can I get the person who did it?
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If you were legally parked, the person backing up is at fault. If you were in a "No Parking" area, you are at fault.

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Where do you park boats?

depends on the city/state you live in. Wilmington, DE requires boats to be parked on a paved surface but not past the front edge of your house. I.E. on a side driveway or in a garage.

Is it okay for someone to spend the night and park in front of the house on the street?

If the guest is expected and there are no parking restrictions in place it is appropriate for the guest's vehicle to be parked either in the driveway, or in a designated parking place in the street in front or close to the house. If there are parking restrictions in place, it is important to find legal, appropriate parking for their vehicle.

What ia the differents between there and their?

"There" is used to refer to a place or location (e.g. "I put the book over there"), while "their" is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership by a group or more than one person (e.g. "Their car is parked in front of the house").

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yes with camreas