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The person who ran into you No contest

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Q: If my car is hit from behind while waithing on traffic lights to change who is at fault?
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Related questions

How do you check brake lights alone?

Reflections in the car behind when you stop at traffic lights.

What does blue traffic lights mean?

I'm not sure that blue traffic lights are real. However, a blue light behind you means you just got pulled over.

The average person will spend over 2 in their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change?

The average person will spend over 2 weeks in their lifetime waiting for traffic lights to change.

What change the traffic lights beside the pedestrians button?

A computer that the trafic lights are conected through.

How do you change the parking lights?

behind the headlight

What is the light on top of traffic lights that cops can turn on?

Emergency vehicles carry a transponder that transmits a radio signal to change the traffic lights to green for them.

How do traffic lights change color?

Traffic lights change color using a timed sequence set by programmers. Typically, they cycle through green, yellow, and red to control the flow of traffic at intersections. Sensors or timers can also adjust the timing based on traffic conditions.

High beam lights should be dimmed for oncoming traffic and when you are behind the vehicle in front of you?


Does flashing your headlights at a red traffic signal make it change to green?

No, Flashing your headlight's will have no effect on a traffic signal. The reason a traffic signal changes for emergency vehicles that have the lights flashing, is, they have a special transmitter that tells the light to change. This transmitter is connected to the emergency lights so it comes on when the lights are used.

Can black cabs change traffic lights?

In London, black cabs are detected in the same way as any other vehicle, so they are given no preference at traffic lights.

What can one do with a used car alarm?

Change traffic lights check google.

What are the disadvantages of the traffic lights?

* The disadvantages of traffic lights r * Traffic lights can cause a chaos on the roads.* Also cause a huge traffic