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the apponent that does have insuranc eshould pay for any damages

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Q: If in an at fault accident and you have no insurance and there is no damage to either party and the police was called to make a report what should the uninsured driver expect in California?
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What does stacked insurance mean in Florida?

Stacked coverage means that you may combine your coverage limits for each automobile insured under your policy. For example, if you insure three cars and obtain stacked coverage with limits of $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident for each auto. Your stacked, or combined, coverage will total $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident. If the coverage was unstacked, then the limit of coverage for each vehicle would be $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident.Stacked Uninsured Motorist Insurance is the best type of UM insurance to protect you and your family. Here is how Uninsured Motorist insurance works. It will pay for your damages if you get in an accident with an at-fault driver who does not have ANY Bodily Injury Insurance, which is called an Uninsured Motorist

Question If you are involved in and auto accident in Florida and the other driver is at fault but has no auto insurance and you are injured can you sue your insurance company for injuries?

No, you cannot sue your insurance company for injuries....actuallly, I take that back. You can sue anybody for anything...but in this case, you would not win. Your policy should have a coverage called Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Typically, this would cover the injured parties in your vehicle if the accident was caused by an uninsured driver. This would cover your injuries in such an incident. Unfortunately, this coverage is not discussed by most insurance agents and is included as an afterthought. Be sure to check your policy and see if this is there. You should never have a lower Uninsured Motorist coverage than your Bodily Injury amount.

You were an uninsured driver in a car accident in Missouri The other driver had uninsured motorist coverage but now you are being called by his insurance company requesting payment you have no money a?

yes the insurance company will come after you to pay the bill they used in fixing their driver's car. the point i do not know is that, are you responsible to pay the deductible or pay the total, what are this insurance people for anyways, they only make money they do not spend money... try talk to and insurance agency and see if you are to pay a percentage of the money or all.

What are uninsured persons called?

People are uninsured for a variety of reasons. Some have conditions that insurance will not cover. Sometimes, insurance companies drop people because their condition will be too expensive. Recently insurance companies have been exposed as dropping people just to improve their earnings. Some companies no longer offer insurance to their employees. When people lose their jobs, they also lose their insurance. Many people can't afford insurance. I think uninsured people should be called unfortunate, especially in a country that spends tax dollars on research that the majority of the citizens can not take advantage of.

Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?

Yes, there is a such thing as Accident only Insurance coverage. Accidental only insurance coverage covers any accident that leads to injuries that result to loss of limps, eye sight or life.

What types of businesses sell Company Liability Insurance?

The Company Liability Insurance is a protection service. The company that sells the insurance is called Nationwide, and the base is in Colombus. One thing that is unique with this insurance is the uninsured and underinsured mororist coverage.

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

If you are hit by an uninsured motorist and it is their fault will your insurance rates increase?

I had this happen to me and I called my insurance company to ask this question. They told me they will not answer the question. I must file a claim if I want to get an answer. Nice huh?

Does Medicare cover auto accidents?

No, Medicare is not accident insurance. However if you are a qualified medicare recipient then it will cover the cost of health care in treating those injuries that resulted from an accident. It will not pay though for financial loss or liability damages resulting from an accident.

Who do you notify when involved in an accident?

Medics , police, insurance company, family are to be called.

If a motorcycle rider in WA has no insurance and he rear ends a car can uninsured motorist coverage take care of the car and does the insurance company come after the rider to get the money back?

You got it! If you've got uninsured motorists property damage, then your company will pay for the damage to your vehicle caused by the uninsured motorcycle operator. You may have a small detuctible, $200-$300, and the the insurance company will sue the at-fault party to recover both the money they spent and your deductible, this process is called subrogation. The process works the same if you don't have the uninsured motorists property damage coverage but do have collision.

What should i do if i got in an accident and other person has no insurance i only have liability?

Most policies match your bodily injury per person/per accident liability limit w/an uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. In other words if you were hurt, check with your agent for uninsured/underinsured coverage provided by your policy. Your liability limits will be divided by slash marks. If your limits are 100/300/100, you probably have 100,000 per person/ 300,000 per accident coverage for yourself. If not, get a new agent. Well if you're at fault your insurance will cover their damages. If police are called they will be cited and their license can be suspended for one year. However, that is between them and the police. Your damages will not be covered since your coverage type only covers other cars. If you are hit and they have no insurance, your only real option is to sue them and hope for the best.