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Q: If an insured lets an LTC policy lapse because of cognitive impairment they can reinstate the policy within?
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Do you have to have insurance to reinstate your license?

Only VEHICLES are required to be insured, not individual drivers.

Can insurance agency reinstate a cancelled policy without insured's approval?

If you have requested cancellation of your policy then it would not be appropriate to reinstate it without an additional request from you so long as required notices of discontinutaion of coverage have been made to all interested parties.. There are times when it would be appropriate and in the best interest of the insured to automatically reinstate a policy without an additional request from you to do so. Especially if there is an express or implied desire for continuation of the coverage such as if an overdue payment is received after a policy lapse. Other Insured Parties such as Lienholders and Mortgage companies can also require an insurer to continue coverage for a specified period of time. Another insured parties interests could require the insurer to reinstate a policy until such time as they have been properly notified.

If the health insurance company cancel the policy for nonpayment can they charge the group for the reinstatement period even if the group do not reinstate?

Definitionally no. However, some carrier do have rules that regulate how long you must wait to be insured with them again. To get coverage before that time has elapsed they can allow you to reinstate only if you agree to pay the fee for the missed premiums.

Do you have to be insured to get your license?

A person has to be insured when they get their license because that is what the law says and you need to follow that.

In California if you do not have auto insurance and you are involved in an accident that is not your fault does the insured at fault have to pay your medical and or pain and suffering?

California law restricts owners and operators of motor vehicles injured in a motor vehicle accident from recovering compensation for pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other non-pecuniary damages if the injured person was not insured at the time of the accident

Is Lloyds tbs bank federaly insured?

Many banks in the United States are marked as FDIC. They are insured by the U.S. government. However, Lloyds TBS Bank is not federaly insured because it is a bank in the United Kingdom.

Insured vs Insured Professional Liability?

The insured and the insured professional are one and the same.

Is an uninsured unlicensed driver that is driving an insured car covered if he gets in an accident?

The majority of the time no because it is an insured's policyholder's duty not to let unlicensed people driver their car because they cannot legally drive.

If an insured motorist is at fault and hits an unisured motorist will the insured motorists insurance company pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Yes, this is because as you stated, the insured driver was at fault. The at fault driver is responsible regardless of the insured status of the person they hit. A good rule of thunb is this,, If they had insurance would I be responsible If the answer is Yes, then the answer is still Yes

Are teens automatically insured to parents car?

They are insured as passengers they are not insured to drive it

You own your home you stopped paying for home insurance. will i have problem restablishing a home insurance?

If your previous home insurance policy was cancelled for non-payment, the company you were insured with may choose not to reinstate the policy depending on your history with the company. While this company does not have to reinstate your policy, you will be able to bind insurance with another provider. If this company asks if you have been cancelled previously for non-payment, answer honestly. This will not disqualify you for obtaining insurance, however it may disqualify you from receiving a continuous coverage discount if they offer it.

Is the car insured if you just bought it?

A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.