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It's likely that such a minor repair would be below your policy deductible.

A handy man usually covers loose window seals. It's part of normal home maintenance.

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Q: If a window seal is not good - does homeowners insurance cover that?
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No. Homeowners Insurance typically do not provide liability coverage for criminal acts. Your medical insurance is a good source of coverage for health care needs.

Is it a good idea to get basic homeowners insurance?

Yes, if you own a home, homeowners insurance is definitely recommended, if not mandatory by some mortgage lenders.

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If Your dishwasher is just malfunctioning and needs a repair man then NO, Your home Insurance Policy does not cover Appliance Maintenance.A good home insurance policy should in fact cover damages to your home caused by a dishwasher if you have coverage on your policy for Water Damage, But it will not cover the dishwasher itself unless it was damaged by a covered peril under the terms of you insurance policy.

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In general your Homeowners Insurance Policy is specific to property of the named insured. But it really just depends on the type of policy you purchased and the scope of coverage afforded. It would be a good idea to contact your insurance agent. Your agent could advise you on possible coverage for the stolen property.

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Good Luck. Go see an independent insurance agent who represents many different companies in your community and I'm sure they can find you some affordable coverage.

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Homeowners insurance does have liability. This liability is universal and is good for any where in the world. The insurance companies will not cover anything intentional though. It also breaks down to a scenario by scenario type of basis.

Where can you find homeowners insurance for an oceanfront pole construction home?

Good Luck.

How affordable is gmac insurance?

GMAC Insurance offers affordable homeowners insurance. They have a good rating and look like they have lots of satisfied customers. However, this depends on the homeowners situation - some may experience unaffordable insurance due to their high risk.

Your Husband broke someones window on a golf course are you liable?

Out of common courtesy, and good sportsmanship, your husband should offer to replace the broken window. Whether or not he is liable is not the issue - and chances are that the one with the broken window is covered by his own insurance - for the good of the game and the respect of those who live nearby, own up to it and make amends. Put yourself in that homeowners shoes ... and ask yourself how you would feel if it was you with the broken window.

Where might one compare homeowners insurance policies?

The best home owner insurance cover will depend upon one's circumstances. Some companies are good for second homes, others are not, for example. Lloyds can be one of the best, but visit Go Compare and you'll get a selection of quotes to choose from.

Does insurance cover a settling foundation caused by heavy rain?

Most homeowners policys will say the loss must be ''sudden and accidental'' not ''gradual" turn in the claim for the answer, doesn't cost anything to file the claim........good luck to you......

Protect Your Home With Insurance?

Most homes that you buy now require you to have homeowners insurance. This is to not only protect you in the event something happens to the home, but to protect the company who sold you the home. Homeowners insurance is added in with the monthly payment and covers everything from fires to floods. It is a good investment even if you are not buying a home. Homeowners insurance is available for people who already own their home and want added protection.