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No, His insurance will cover his fence. Your home insurance is specific to your property and no one is liable for an act of nature,

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I have my landlord's tree to hit my car in a tornado last night to see responsible or is the homeowners.

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Q: If a tree in my backyard falls and does damage to neighbors privacy fence is my HO insurance liable for all costs or is his?
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It should go on your neighbors insurance, he's the one whos responsible for the damage.

Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?

No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

Does your home owners insurance cover damage to neighbors car due to high wind?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance will not cover windstorm damages to your neighbors vehicle because you are not liable for acts of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle.

Do homeowners insurance cover damage done by neighbors?

yes it does i know because someone broke our fire-pit and insurance covered it

Does your home insurance cover damage to neighbors cars?

No. Homeowners insurance doe snot provide coverage for automobiles manufactured for use on public roads. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

Who is responsible for damage if a neighbors gazebo lands on your home?

the owner of the gazebo if they were negligent the maintenance of it. Your homeowners insurance would cover the damage. However, some insurance companies provide up to $500 for property damage to coverage others absent of liability.

Does your insurance cover damage to neighbors car by shingles?

Your car insurance does not cover damage to another persons car that was caused by your home via weather or unforeseen circumstances. Their own insurance should cover the damage dealt to their car, assuming they have more than just liability coverage. If not, then it is their problem to fix their car.

Who is liable for tree root and water damage to a neighbors house?

If it was on your land - you are. But ask your insurer - you pay for advice not just insurance cover

Does your auto insurance cover damage to neighbors car by shingles?

Your car insurance does not cover damage to another persons car that was caused by your home via weather or unforeseen circumstances. Their own insurance should cover the damage dealt to their car, assuming they have more than just liability coverage. If not, then it is their problem to fix their car.

Does a neighbors insurance have to pay you for fire damage to your property caused by your neighbor?

Yes, in most cases your neighbor's insurance may be responsible for paying for fire damage to your property caused by your neighbor's negligence. You would typically need to file a claim with your neighbor's insurance company to seek compensation for the damages.

Will your insurance cover you if you use uninsured builders who damage neighbors tree?

No. If you choose to use un-insured contractors then you are proceeding at your own risk.

If the neighbors tree fell on your house during a hurricane took out the fence and damaged your roof of your house does their homeowners insurance cover the damage?

NO. Your neighbor is not liable for an act of nature that fells a tree. Your homeowners insurance will fix the damage to your property and the neighbors insurance would fix damage to the neighbors property. It does not matter who the tree belonged to.AnswerMaybe. It doesn't hurt to try if your neighbor will tell you who they are insured with. They are not obligated to do so. AnswerI'm not really sure. However, I do have a friend and his neighbor's house actually fell on top of his, but they considered it still standing and didn't give the full amount of the house's worth. AnswerYour own homeowner's insurance should cover this. If they think the neighbor is responsible, they will collect from his insurance company. In a hurricane a tree could have come from the next county - then how would you know whose tree it was? It depends on your state's laws, but most would consider this an act of nature and you are responsible for the damage caused by your neighbors tree. Call your insurance company, if you have a storm damage rider, this will most likely be covered.