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The finder is obligated under civil and criminal law to notify the Police and the Owner of the vehicles recovery and location so they can come pick it up. Since the the Insurance Company already paid for it. It belongs to the Insurance Company. If the Rental company wants it back, They will have to try and buy it from the Insurance Company.

All salvage rights would belong to the Insurance Company because they have already bought and paid for the car.

It would now belong to the Insurance Company. If the Rental Car company tried to keep the vehicle without first negotiating a purchase or buy back from the Insurance company it would be considered Grand Theft. They would be subject to criminal and civil charges.

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Q: If a rented car is stolen and insurance pays but then the car is recovered what happens to the car?
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I recommend you contact your insurance company, and inform them of the recovered goods

What happens to recovered cars that were reported stolen?

The first thing that happens when a stolen car is recovered, the police inform the owner of the recovery, usually in writing. The owner then takes up the matter by informing his insurance company of the recovery and valuation is done. The car is then handed to the rightful owner.

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That is up to the discression of the insurance company.

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Once the insurance company has paid the claim for stolen items they become the legal owners of the items.

Does insurance pay off a recovered stolen vehicle?

It depends on what insurance you're talking about, does it include theft?

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keep the money and find another car, or give back the money and get your recovered car.

What is covered if your car is stolen?

It depends on your insurance. If you only have third party insurance you get nothing. If it is a full comprehensive insurance, and if your car is not recovered, you will get compensation which will be the present market value of that car

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Gap insurance only pays if the vehicle is totaled in an accident or stolen and not recovered. It does not cover the deficiency balance after a repossession sale.

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please explain your question better. Do you mean property such as stolen vehicles?

If a car on finance is stolen and insurance pays out but then the car is recoverd what happens to the car?

It belongs to the insurance company

What is an insurance recovery car?

Stolen car that claim was paid off by the insurance company. The car was later recovered. Because the claim was already paid the car is owned by the insurance company and they will typically sale these at auction.

What happens if you don't return a rental car in Nevada?

its reported stolen after the last day you rented it for. just like in any other state