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NO. Auto Insurance is not transferable.

An auto insurance policy becomes null and void at the moment the car is sold irrespective of whether the title has been changed or not. the seller has no authority to extend his policy coverage to the new owner. The policy contract prohibits this kind of activity.

You can not assume or acquire the Liability policy of another. If you are not a named insured on the policy then you have no coverage under that policy for your newly acquired vehicle. You must purchase your own coverage.

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Q: If a friend sells you their car can they keep their insurance on the car and if so can the new driver still be covered if not on the policy if the two parties verbally agree?
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If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

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Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

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If you have insurance on a car anyone who you give permission to drive the vehicle is covered under your insurance. This is normally covered when insurance companies ask if there will be any other drivers for the vehicle.

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If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

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As long as the business has the driver listed as a driver/employee of the automobile, they should be covered.

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No. I assume that you were in a car accident and that you had injuries. I assume that you had medical expenses that were not covered by insurance. I assume that you own a house and there is a lien on that house to pay the cost of the medical care. I assume that the insurance settlement took 2-3 years to settle. I assume that your settlement amount paid by the other driver's insurance policy was less than the cost of your medical care. There is no other "insurance" to rely upon to pay the cost of the medical are that was not covered by your insurance and that was not covered in full by the amount of money you received from the other driver's insurance company.

Are you covered by your parent's auto insurance in their car if you no longer live at home?

if you are listed as a driver on their policy, you are covered

How old to have auto insurance in Illinois?

If you are an automobile driver, you must be covered by automobile insurance regardless of age.

What happens if you are driving a friends car who has insurance are you covered?

As long as you have a license. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.

What if the person who hit you does not have a license but has insurance?

If the insurance policy is active and valid and the driver is a covered driver then you file your claim just as in any other accident.

Does full coverage insurance cover any licenced driver?

If they are added to your policy as a scheduled driver yes they will be considered a covered driver.

Will 21st Century Insurance company insure a driver with only a permit?

It is usually not necessary to insurance a driver who only has a permit. Often, if it is a young person, they are covered under their parents insurance. If it is an adult, then they may insure the driver.