a check is good for 6 months unless otherwise stated on the check (it will say good for 30 days or not valid after 90 days.) you can have one reissued by the company by calling and requestiong a new check. (coming from a former banker)
No, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company merged into Conseco Life Insurance Company in October, 1998
You should check with your insurance company. If you still have a policy open for the car the premium is still due. But I'm not sure why you'd have a policy if the insurance company said the car was totalled
The point system of insurance company's is different than DMV points. If you have a no-point speeding violation on your MVR your insurance company can still have points on your insurance records. Check with the insurance company.
To be on the safe side, check with the insurance company.
Just call the insurance company customer service department and ask them
If the insurance company owed you money and they attempted to pay that debt with a cheque that was not honoured the the debt is still outstanding. They may also be liable to other charges.
Talk with the adjuster and explain the situation and I'm sure they will work something out. They may still have to issue the check to you and the lienholder because you are the person who has the contract with the insurance company.
My First life insurance company is Aegon Religare and it is still in existence with better life insurance plans.
Sure you can, but you're still responsible for paying off the loan to the finance company. If the check will cover the pay-off, give it to the finance company. If it doesn't, give it to them, anyway. It'll reduce your debt by that much.
Simply call the customer service department of the company and ask. 4lifeguild
Do they still sell 1.00 a month policy
No, the insurance company when settling the claim will have you sign a waiver of damages for their insured before giving you a check.