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I'm assuming that "someone else" had an accident while driving this un-insured car, and that person should be held responsibility. However, if they have no assets, responsibility will fall on the cars owner, who in most cases is also the person who has the insurance policy.

In assuming that "someone else" had an accident and did damage to something other than your vehicle, other car or person, then i would go directly to or if you are deployed then call the police department and let them know that your vehicle was used without your permission(stolen) and caused damage. If you do this then the insurance company that has the storage insurance will cover you for the vehicle as well as the impending lawsuit behind the damage that the other person did and basicly make whomever had their property or person damaged would have to pass your pockets by and go after the driver of the stolen vehicle. If you do not do the police way or if you let someone drive your vehicle then the responsibility will rest on your sholders and the insurance company may not cover you at all, as not filling out the police report is like saying that no crime took place i.e. you let them borrow your car.

Thank your "someone else" for putting you in this situation

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Q: If a car has only storage insurance on it and someone else drives it can the person who has the insurance policy be held responsible and will it affect that person's insurance?
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if car was driven by storage employee or anyone who is affliated with storage facility. Yes, it will be convered by their insurance. However, if the vehical was driven by a owner, his or her car insurance company will be responsible. best way to resolve this issue, contact your insurance agent or provider! asian623

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SafeStor, Willis Storage Insurance, Storage Insurance, MiniCo Insurance Agency, the Bader Company, Deans & Homer, StorageFirst, and Ponderosa Insurance offer cheap storage insurance.

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Tenants should always get renters insurance because when things like this happen, the landlord is not responsible. nor is the owner of the storage unit, unless there was negligence on their part. If the tenant doesn't have that insurance, they have to replace lost items at their own cost. They could always take the owner of the storage unit to court, but a judge will probably ask, "Why didn't you have renters insurance? That's what it is for."

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