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They must obtain a judgement against you first, you may want to check to see if they have one. It is possible to obtain one if they have been unsuccessful in serving you.

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Q: If a car company claims they are going to garnish your wages for a repo even if you have not been to court is this the truth?
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Can a credit card company garnish your wages in California?

A credit card company can garnish you wages if they successfully sue for the owed funds in court. They cannot garnish wages before going through the court system.

Can you sue a transportation company that issued you an invalid ticket from a broken machine?

This is what small claims court is for. You should be able to recover the cost of your ticket + the cost of filing the papers in court. If you think you are going to get rich for "pain and suffering" I don't think that's going to happen.

How long after repossession does the finance company have to garnish your wages?

They aint going to....They try to scare you with that, as long as they have there property there good!!

Can new york state garnish wages for a student loan with out going to court?

If they are Federally Guaranteed student loans, then yes they can. If they are private student loans, then no they can't. You can consolidate the defaulted loans and skip the garnishment. This company can help you:

Will you get arrested if you dont go to small claims court over a bill?

You will not get arrested for not going to small claims court over a bill. However, the court may issue a judgment against you for the amount owed if you do not defend your case.

Garnishment from credit card company and have now been notified you have another judgment and they are also going garnish your wages can they do this?

As long as they have a court order of a judgment against you - yes they can. There are limits though as to how much they can take out of your paycheck. In most states that is 10% of the gross pay.

Do you have to be informed of a garnishment forcloseure collection repo?

Yes if they are going to garnish your paycheck they will notify the business you work for and the company will in turn notify you have a garnishment.

is their a time frame on how long a company can wait until the garnish your wage, i have a debt from over 2 years ago and they are saying they are going to garnish my wages, can they do that.?

It depends on the state you live in. It is probably nearing the time limit and is why they did something now.

If one garnishment already exist can a second garnishment be done on my paycheck?

In theory yes, but the court applying the garnish should take into account the amount of the first garnish (if they knew about it) - you do need something left to live on. If you think the amounts are unfair you should speak to an attorney (lawyer) with regard to going back to the court for an adjustment.

What if your vehicle was damaged by improper towing equipment?

Small claims court can be used to sue the towing company. This can be done by going to the town clerks office or county clerks office. Chances are though, even if you win the suit you will not collect. The other choice is hiring a lawyer and suing in a civil court.

Can a person file for bankruptcy to avoid paying small claims court?

Probably, assuming they are actually bankrupt. If they are not actually bankrupt, then the automatic stay will delay the small claims court for a while, but the person who filed for bankruptcy is going to end up in even more hot water with the bankruptcy court.