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Most likely you will. You need to notify your insurance company of the move immediately so that they can change the garaging address. Ask your agent about whether or not your company even does business in your new state. If you are an adult, you need your own insurance in your name. You vehicles should also be in your name. Whether or not your company does business in the new state or not, you need to get with an independent agent in the new state to check rates. One company may be competitive in one state but not in another.

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Q: If I were relocating to another state and need to get a new license will I need to change the insurance to my name if all the cars are under my parents names?
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How do you get car insurance with a learners permit?

You must either have a driver's license or be insured under a licensed driver's insurance. If you are a minor, your parents can add you to their car insurance.

Do you have to have the same address as what says on your license to get insurance?

You need to use the address on your registration, not license. Whether the address on your license has to be the one on your registration is another question. I believe you are allowed to list one address as your "primary residence" and another as a "secondary." However, if you've moved away from that address (as opposed to perhaps having gone away from school, leaving parents behind there), it's fraud to continue using that address for insurance.

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If your 17 year old son drives without a license and insurance and is a wreck who is responsible?

Mainly the parents.

If you take a Drivers ED class by how much will my insurance go down?

Check with your parents insurance company. Most states require the class just to get a license..

Do 15 year olds with learners permits have to have insurance for their parents car?

No it depends on you insurance company, some companies require the kid to be on the insurance while others don't until they get their day license.

How much would it cost to add a teen with a learners permit to his parents' insurance?

It will cost nothing, until he/she get the actual license

Do you need auto insurance when you have a G2 license and you are driving your parents auto?

yes, and if you are put as an occasional driver on their car it's cheaper.

Do you need to be added your parents auto insurance if you get your license but will not be driving alone you will be using your permit with your parents in the car?

Yes, because you will still be behind the wheel, it doesn't matter who else is in the car.

Are newly licensed drivers covered by their parents insurance for a certain period of time until they can set up their own insurance?

You may need to get your insurance company to add the new driver on with a rider clause to be covered. It is possible that your coverage will allow the new driver, but, some insurance companies do not allow new drivers to be on the parents insurance, They make the new driver get an insurance policy on his or her license before they will cover them in the parents car. Check with your agent before you let the new driver operate the vehicle alone or you may loose your insurance.

Your parents live in CT pay for your insurance and hold the title to the car you drive but you live and work in NC do you still have to change your Drivers License?

If your primary residence is in NC, you should hold a NC driver's license.