In my car, DTE is Distance To Empty. When that comes on it is telling me that I need fuel. If there is fuel in the tank (full), and it comes on then it could be a bad sensor or a faulty fuel gauge.
As of July 2014, the market cap for DTE Energy Company (DTE) is $13,676,319,822.24.
Dte stands for distance till empty. This is a SUGGESTION of distance left on the tank.
The symbol for DTE Energy Company in the NYSE is: DTE.
DTE Energy's population is 10,262.
DTE Energy was created in 1995.
The ticker symbol for DTE Energy is DTE and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
distance till empty
fuel, distance to empty
When the fire alarm beeps, it means there may be a fire or emergency situation that requires immediate evacuation to ensure safety.
Detroit Edison established the DTE Energy holding company in 1996,
iPod's will beep when the battery is low.
The orange light on a PS3 stands for... if you turn your playstation on and it makes a couple of beeps and the light comes on and shuts down its when your hard drive has been over used.