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I think my male fiance is cheating on me with the lady he goes to church with because its certain things she don't suppose to do by her being a child of god,my fiance told me that she cant allow men in her house unless a women there or ride men in her car,now two days ago she pick him up to go pick up a part for my car this lady never speaks to me at all,plus she calls him everyday to read The Bible she never speaks to me,so that day she pick him up she know my number she didnt call me to say hey im comin by your man told me about yall need a part for your car,she never did that he didnt either,so i have a problem with that I think it disrespectful to me as me being his fiance.

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Q: I think my male fiance is cheatingwith the lady he goes to church with because its certain things she not suppose to do by her being a child of godsomebody help me out or am i trippin?
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