You can clear bad credit for good buy paying rent or car payments on time. You need to do this consistently for a few months to insure the clearing of bad credit.
The Clear Credit Corporation is a company that helps people improve their credit and maintain a good credit rating. The services they offer include the following: credit score optimization, credit restoration, debt settlement, and credit score consulting.
you can catch up any time provided your mortgage company agrees to it. hovever your credit status will be affected for 12 months after you clear your arrears
Read the Fair Credit Billing Act. Also your user agreement.
The Wizard Clear Advantage credit card can be obtained through the official website. Also one can apply through GE and merchants that carry GE products.
The only way it will clear is after 7 years it will be taken off. If it has been past that time frame then you need to contact the credit burea or the company that repossesed the ca. Do not pay anyone to do this; it is not possible for anyone to do so.
Take advantage of the latest offer from Citibank on the Citibank Clear Platinum credit card. For 6 months, you can pay no interest on any balance you transfer from your existing non-Citibank credit cards, and store credit cards.
credit card factoring is a form of cash advance between small business and the credit card companies to provide cash flow for the small business as they wait for the card purchase to clear the credit card company.
If You Paid The Bank All Moneys Owed, And At Present Are Credit Wise Clear With The Bank. Take Your Report To A Loan Officer Then File A Report With The Credit Reporting Company, This Should Clear This From Your Credit Records.
It is not clear from the question what 0 credit cards are. The author might be referring to zero interest credit cards. Those are used for people making a large purchase that needs to be paid off over many months.
Until you clear your debt and your good with the company. After that it will stay on there for about a year but will also have that you paid your money. If you havent paid your debt, then it will remain on your credit history.
This question isn't very clear. As I understand the question-as long as the credit company doesn't tell you it is closing the acct, the acct. is open. Also, the cc comp doesn't have to raise your level. So to answer your question, neither.