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If you read the terms of your agreement it probably states that your company has the right to cancel your policy for whatever reasons they deem fit. It could have been due to multiple tickets that you recieved.

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Q: I live in Michigan and my car insurance company cancelled me for no reason, how can they get away with this?
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How a fire insurance can be cancelled?

When the factory has closed down or the building no longer needs fire insurance, you are to write to the Insurance Company citing the reason as applicable, and ask them to discontinue the policy.

Does your insurance company have to notify you before they cancel your auto policy?

Yes. Depending on the state and for what reason the policy is being cancelled, this determines the number of days that prior notice is required by the insurance company to provide to the policyholder.

Can a life insurance policy be cancelled after issued?

Yes for a couple of reason. Non-pay is the biggest. There is also a 2 year period in which the company can continue to underwrite you and if they found you lied on the application they can cancel the policy.

Can a person buy an auto policy with an expired registration?

Usually you can. The reason for this is that the insurance company generally has not access to know if the tag is valid or not. Insurance companies in Georgia do not ask for a tag number but on the vehicle identification number. The insurance company here reports to the State when a vehicle is insured or cancelled but probably does not have access to those records themselves. The company is interested in the drivers license history and claims history which they do have access to.

Can your car insurance be cancelled without prior notice?

No, your insurance will not be cancelled without prior notice. The insurance company is required to mail you a notice of cancellation to the address that is on your policy declarations page. The length of time of the notice is different depending on the reason for cancellation and the state regulations in the state that you live in. Remember that the insurance company is only required to mail the notice and not to tract you down if you have moved or don't open your mail, or don't check your mail. These items are your responsibility. Also, you know when your payments are due so if you haven't paid your insurance when required you might give them a call and check the status.

In the State of Indiana is there a grace period when a homeowners insurance policy expires before it is cancelled?

When an insurance company decides to cancel your policy, they are required to give you approximately 15-30 day notice. The time period required depends on the reason for cancellation. The best thing to do is to call your state department of insurance. Be sure to have the letter from the insurance company available, so that you can read verbatim why you are being canceled. The Indiana Department of Insurance website is

When can a car insurance company cancel you?

Insurance CancelAn insurance company can cancel you anytime they want to as long as they have a legitimate reason to do so, and they are required BY LAW to send you WRITTEN NOTICE to advise you of any cancellation should one occur. This not does not apply to monthly bill statements because within the bill statement it says that your policy will cancel should they not receive a payment. This is the most common reason for cancellations, when people don't pay their monthly insurance bill. Another reason you may be cancelled the company can consider you high risk. If you hve had too many accidents or have have made too many claims with a certain time period, they can cancel you because they feel it would actually cost them more to insure you versus insurance premiums you would pay to them. Finally, you can be cancelled for fraudulent reasons. If you lied on a claim, mileage at time of policy issue, or just cheated the insurance for whatever reason, they can cancel you. Also, if the offense is serious enough, you can be sued or possibly prosecuted.

Can you still drive your car if insurance company has title?

Um, why does the insurance company have the title???? The only reason that the insurance company would have the title is because the car was totalled from damage. Something is very wrong here.

Why do you have to let the insurance company know if you already have have a insurance policy with a different company?

The reason why life insurance companies ask about other life insurance coverage is to determine if you have a need for additional life insurance. The insurance companies do not want you to be overinsured.

How can health insurance be cancelled when it is not open enrollment?

Many reasons. Most commonly, for not paying the monthly premium on time (or at all). Another reason could be falsifying information on the initial application for insurance.

Can the insurance company deny your claim for stolen vehicle if the car payments are behind?

No, that wouldn't be a reason for claim denial. It may be a reason for them to investigate you for insurance fraud.

The Medical claim was paid after policy was cancelled insurance wants repayment from customer?

DO NOT SEND THE MONEY BACK!!! It was THEIR mistake! They "train" claim processors to assess and pay their claims, which is one of the insurance company's excuses for such high premiums (strange, but true)....if they paid the claim AFTER the insurance policy was cancelled, it only reflects poor training on the insurance company's end...OK, human error, but how is it YOUR fault? And believe you me, if you were in "error" of missing a monthly premium or not paying it in full for whatever reason, there would be no room on their end for YOUR error. I deal w/ ins. co's every day (I work for a surgeon) and you are not legally obligated to return that money!