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You cannot legally drive the car without having an insurance policy. Car insurance market is very competitive nowadays. So if you are ready to spend about half a day on computer and telephone, finally you'll be able to find an appropriate rate. Here is what you suppose to do: 1. You should obtain multiple car insurance quotes online. Here are just some of these sites, I'm sure there are many more: 2. Even if you'll find some attractive rates online, do not rush to sing in. Keep these numbers in mind and call your local insurance broker. Describe your situation to him and wait for his numbers. 3. Compare all quotes you'll get online and from your broker and make your mind. However still do not rush to sing in. 4. You have to know that company, which is offering you a good rate is indeed a reputable company. www.AMbest is an independent rater of all insurance companies. If company, which is offering you good quotation is rated A or higher by AM best it is a good company. If it's rated below A, I'd think twice before signing with them.

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Q: I live in California i am 17 about to get my license. Car insurance for me is to much if i drive my parents car it has insurance am i covered even though i am not listed on their policy?
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Does a 15 and a half year old with a learners permit need his own insurance policy or is he covered under the parents policy?

He is covered under his parents' policy until he gets his own car and license.

Can I drive my parent's car if they are in the car when I am not insured but they are?

Everyone in your household must be listed on your insurance policy if they have a license. For example, if you live with your parents, you may not be covered if you are not listed on their insurance policy. On the other hand, if you live separately you could use their car with their permission and be covered.

Are newly licensed drivers covered by their parents insurance for a certain period of time until they can set up their own insurance?

You may need to get your insurance company to add the new driver on with a rider clause to be covered. It is possible that your coverage will allow the new driver, but, some insurance companies do not allow new drivers to be on the parents insurance, They make the new driver get an insurance policy on his or her license before they will cover them in the parents car. Check with your agent before you let the new driver operate the vehicle alone or you may loose your insurance.

Married at 16 does parents insurance still cover?

Once you're married, you're legally considered an emancipated adult and would not be covered by your parents' insurance. You would be covered by your spouse's insurance.

Are you covered under your parents health insurance if you are pregnant and a minor?

This will depend on the kind of health insurance your parents have. Some health insurance may cover pregnancy while others do not. You will need to contact your insurance agent and ask them about your family coverage.You should also have a insurance booklet that states what treatments and doctor visits are covered and what is not covered.

Do you need to be covered by your parent's car insurance to drive first day you get license?

What do you think will happen if you have an accident on the first day you have a license? Let's say you hurt someone with a medical cost of $100,000 and total their $45,000 car. Since it's your first day should you get a pass? Who will pay for their damages and medical costs? Of course you need to be covered by your parents auto insurance on the first day you get a license. If your old enough to get a license you need to think like an adult with responsibilities.

Does Illinois have car insurance for teen drivers?

In answer to your question, teen drivers can get insurance in Illinois. However, they must be covered under their parents' auto insurance policy. The cost will be higher for the parents.

Are newly licensed drivers covered by parents commercial insurance policy?


Is a non licensed child that drives parents car covered under parents insurance?

No, the unlicensed child is not covered under the parents policy unless that child is a scheduled driver on the parents policy. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle on public roads with out a drivers license. Most parents already know that. It is also illegal to operate that vehicle on public roads without proof of financial responsibility. Fortunately the Parents are insured for acts of negligence in allowing the unlicensed child to illegally operate the vehicle. So basically the child is not a covered driver. Now the Insurance company will most likely pay a claim or loss if the unlicensed uninsured child has an accident. The claim would be paid not because the child was covered but rather the Insurer would be paying a negligence claim against the covered parents.

If your car was lent to someone with a restricted license without your permission resulting in an accident and they are covered under their parents insurance who's insurance should pay?

In a perfect world, they would pay. Unfortunately, your car is covered by your insurance company and if the accident was the fault of your friend (in your car), then you insurance company must pay. If all of this was without your permission, you could press charges and try taking the person to small claims court for damamges.

Can a 15 year old with a learners permit get car insurance?

Check with your insurance company, but in most states they are covered under the parents' policy at no charge until they get their license. You should tell your insurance company that your child does have a permit to insure proper coverage Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

If a dependent has a license in PA but doesn't own a car or drive does his parents have to have insurance for him?
