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You may be able to make a claim under both insurance policies if they have the proper coverage. It wouldn't hurt to get those claims started right away.

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Q: I have no car insurance and was injured as a passenger?
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Is the driver of a car responsible to give her insurance info to an injured passenger of the same car?

No, but the passenger can readily get that info from the police report on request. If no report was made, that same passenger can have their own insurance company get the information based on DMV records.

Will homeowner's insurance cover a vehicle accident for the passenger injured?

NO, that's what the vehicle insurance is for.

What if you are injured as a passenger in a car with no insurance?

If the driver of the car you were in was at fault and had no insurance you are out of luck. your only recourse if to sue the person who you were driving with to recover damages. If your driver was not at fault but had no insurance the other parties insurance would have to cover your damages. The lesson is not to ride with people who do not carry auto insurance, ever.

Could not afford car insurance let car sit for a while-in a car accident in another vehicle as a passenger-No Fault State-get into trouble for not having insurance the leased car that sat?

This depends on the state. For example in PA if you have a vehicle registered but do not insure it, then your medical claim will be denied. In FL your insurance covers your injures regardless of fault and regardless of the car your in. If you are injured as a passenger in some one elses car your injuries are only covered by the owners insurance if you do not own a vehicle.

How is it if lighting McQueen gets injured does he use car insurance or life insurance?

neither,he needs car life insurance.

If two people live together with separate cars and separate insurance are they excluded from an injury claim if one is hurt as a passenger in other roommates car driven by roommate?

No. You would not be excluded. The injured party is entitled to their claim. If the insurance tries to deny for any reason, the injured party can sue the insurance company.

What happens if a persin is injured in a vehicle and doesnt have insurance?

It's on your car insurance.

Does liability coverage cover passenjures injured in your car during and accident in which your car is the only one reported damagesd?

If the question you are asking is: does your car insurance cover passenger injury when the driver of a car caused an accident. In the UK - the answer to this is "yes". The driver of a car owes a duty to his passengers to keep them safe and car insurance covers legal liability for passenger injury even when only one vehicle is involved in an accident. See the related link entitled "accident car insurance" to see all the types of vehicle insurance you can have in the UK and what type of liabilities each type of insurance will meet.

How much money can you get if you were injured as a passenger in a car accident and it was the drivers fault?


What if someone is driving your car and they get into an accident and get hurt and they do not have car insurance is the owners insurance responsible for medical for the injured driver and damages?

You guessed it!

If a passenger in an auto accident is a miner and does not own a car is the passenger responsible for repaying the owners PIP with the settlement to the passenger?

let me get this right, a passenger was injured in an accident, and received the drivers personal injury protection insurance im guessing for injury, and the driver want's them to pay them back? doesn't matter if you were a rabbit, and owned 5 ferrari's, if you are a PASSENGER in a car then in no way should you be liable for anything! that is why the drivers must be insured.

Should an injured passenger sue the driver of the car they were in?

The injured party should seek compensation from the driver of whichever vehicle was at fault for the accident.