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Because you will have no interest in her contents(personal belongings)! You can insure it as a vacation home as long as it is occupied with your personal contents.

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Q: I bought a house and want to insure it My granddaughter wants to live in it Why can't I get insurance for it as if I were living there and what if no one lived there or we use it as a vacation home?
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Related questions

What does it mean to insure and go?

Insure and go often refers to travel insurance. The term refers to buying insurance for hotel, airplane, and travel expenses, and then going on said vacation.

What insurance company insure USPS postal vehicles?

they insure themselves

Hard to insure homeowner's insurance?

Hard to insure homeowners insurance could mean that you have poor credit or represent high risk to a homeowners insurance company.

What are some auto insurance companies in Florida?

Some cheap auto insurance companies in Florida are Swift Cover, Florida Insure, Insure and Go and Complete Insurance. Of these, Insure and Go are considered to be the cheapest but this will depend on your circumstances.

What are some car insurance companies that will insure a classic truck?

Insurance companies that will insure classic trucks include Direct Line and More Than. A company called Classic Truck Insurance also insure classic trucks.

My grandaughter just got her licenses and hasn't got a car yet would it be cheaper to put insurance on her licenses or on our insurance policey when she gets her car?

The only way you'll be able to insure your granddaughter's car on your policy is if she lives with you. You can cover anybody as a driver of your cars on your policy, but in terms of covering her car, she has to be a resident of your household. That being said, it will definitely be cheaper to cover your granddaughter and her car on your policy, provided she is a household resident.

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Do all insurance companies insure motorcycles?


What is the noun of insure?

The noun form for the verb to insure is insurable. Another noun form is insurance.

How long do you have to insure a vehicle if you bought it?

Find out yourself!

Can Titan insure stuff other then automobiles?

Titan, which was bought by Nationwide Insurance in 2003, offers auto insurance in several Southern, Midwestern and Western States. They do not offer other types of insurance such as life, home or business. However, these may be available through their parent Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.

How to insure your parents with life insurance?

Call a licensed life insurance agent