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It will show up as both. If the bank auctions off the car, they may come after you for a deficiency judgment. Any chance of them coming after you would be taken care of in the bankruptcy.

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Q: I am going into a bankruptcy in app 1 month the bank wants to reposses the car if I surrender the car before the bankruptcy is filed will it show up as a repo or go under the bankruptcy?
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Not if the debt was discharged in the bankruptcy. If the judgment was on the credit report before the bankruptcy was filed and/or was discharged in the bankruptcy, the entry will still remain on the CR for seven years.

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Once the bankruptcy is filed the automatic stay will halt the garnishment action. However, monies taken before the bankrupcy was filed will not be returned to the debtor.

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Tracy McGrady filed for bankruptcy in January of 2014

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Bankruptcy is filed in federal district court. You may want to start with their files.

Will your credit rating be affected by your partner filing bankruptcy?

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Can you reposses goods that were not paid for from a company that has filed bankruptcy?

No. They are protected by the court and you must file a claim with them in the BK process. You cannot even attempt to collect by law. If you can show the goods are actually secured by a loan, not just not paid for, you will have a much better chance of recovery.