If it wasn't working properly. If you think it's acting weird; then your probably right.
A faulty pump, a faulty switch, a faulty release valve on the drain pipe.
neutral safety switch/ or reverse switch faulty thanks. how would i go about replacing the safety switch? is it difficult?
Yep - you're on the right track. Faulty resistor (rheostat) would be my first guess. The switch is probably fine.
i am assuming you mean the switch for changing from one tank to the second tank if this is correct,either the switch on dash is faulty or the actual changeover valve on chassis rail is faulty
faulty ignition switch
faulty wiring or you are accidentally hitting the switch and not realizing it
faulty actuator switch. GM had some problems with these.
i would have the light switch checked to see if it is faulty
Bad solenoid, bad ground, faulty ig. switch.
Faulty hazard switch.
Low on freon, faulty pressure switch, faulty clutch. Jumper the low pressure switch with a paperclip (can running, AC on), if the clutch cycles, it's either low on freon, or the low pressure switch is bad.