it will be able to move but it will automatically drive the other as a result of an unstable wheel control.
what are the signs of a damaged front axle and is it dangerous to drive a car with a damaged axle.
Yes , the transmission on a front wheel drive car is called the trans axle
front cause the tranny drive the steer axle
Any of the 4WD Subaru GLs are primary front wheel drive with either mechanical or electromechanical actuation of the rear drive axle. So, in 2WD, only the front wheels drive the car.
yes you can, but it won't be cheap! you will have to get a custom axle made for the rear of the car
Rear wheel drive...connects the transmission to the rear end. Transfers power from the motor to the rear axle. Front wheel drive... connects the transmission to each front axle. Usually refered to as CV or drive axle. Same purpose. The drive shaft contains the rod that takes energy from the engine and transmits it to the drive wheels of a car.
No. A bent axle could result in poor tracking and camber, poor ride and even uncontrollability of the car. It is illegal to drive a knowingly unroadworthy car.
It depends on what model of car. There is a different proceedure for front wheel drive compared to rear wheel drive and a different proceedure for front and rear bearings.
To allow the drive axle to transmit same power while car is steering and axle/ hub angle is changing.
If it is a front wheel drive vehicle, it could be your cv axle or bad struts. yes bad shocks could cause vibration ,but i know my car had a bad cv axle in it a while back. the problem was the cv axle was broke in 2. Take it to an auto shop and ask them to test drive it and see if they can tell you what the problem might be. but if its a front wheel drive car, then i would bet money it is the cv axle but if its a rear wheel drive vehicle then ask them to check your universal joints(U-Joints.)
Front main axle or CV joint.... that's assuming this car is front wheel drive
depends on if the car is front wheel drive or rear wheel drive. If it is FWD, it will have a axle for each front wheel, if RWD, it still has 2 axles but they are housed in the cars rear end............hope this helps