The W450 Smart For two is 59.6 inches or 1,510 mm wide, the W451 is 61.4 inches or 1,560 mm wide, and the W453 is 65.5 inches or 1,663 mm wide.
The Smart Fortwo car is just barely under 5 feet wide (59.6 inches).
8.8 feet long 5.1 feet tall 5.1 feet wide
beacause the smart car are smart this page has alot of advice when coming to buying and owning a smart car. It includes the pros and cons of having a tiny smart car.
Smart Car is a car brand. They make modern, compact cars.
I heard from a friend the batteries for a smart car were 3000.00.....Which leads me believe your not too smart if you buy a smart car....lmao
who much doese a smart car whigh? The awnser is, The Smart Car weighs 1,600 pounds.
The "Smart Car" is a trade mark of Mercedes. Fiat makes a car that is about the same size but it can not be called a "Smart".
smart car roadster roof will not oper
A Smart car can have an internal combustion engine. An electric car is....electric
All the parts assembled togethercreate a Smart car.
a Smart Car has 40-70 horsepower