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i have used it to fix a loose exhaust valve guide in the head of a car and to repair a thermostat housing. I have found that if you prepair the surface correctly it adheres well and sets very hard.

However, JB does not suggest using its product when the temperature will exceed its maximum temperature for more than 10 minutes. Will the surface exceed 600F? Don't use it. JB Quick has half the strength of regular JB Weld. If you can wait for the regular stuff to cure, you will be way better off. Also, the JB quick is half of all specifications, including temerture and stregth of JB weld, so if you do it at all, do not use JB Quick, use JB Weld. Let me add that there are all type of epoxy products, and other products that are not epoxy. And In all cases, surface preparation is of utmost importance. Lightly sand, degrease with denatured alcohol, and be sure the surface is free of dust, and rust. Temperature will also effect most any bonding agent. The general rule is that the ideal temperature is set by the manufacture, and as the temperature goes up, so does the setting, and hardening times. A temperature that rises to sharply will more than likely harm the specifications of the product. If it is too cold,it could take a very long time to cure properly.

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What is the strongest JB Weld product available for bonding metal surfaces?

The strongest JB Weld product for bonding metal surfaces is JB Weld SteelStik.

Does JB Water Weld effectively work under pressure?

JB Water Weld is designed to effectively work under pressure, providing a strong and reliable seal for various plumbing and repair applications.

What is the tensile strength of JB Weld?

The tensile strength of JB Weld is approximately 3960 PSI.

How effective is JB Weld in withstanding stress during a stress test?

JB Weld is highly effective in withstanding stress during a stress test, as it is a strong and durable adhesive that can bond various materials together securely.

Can a cracked plastic tank at the top of a radiator be fixed or must you replace the radiator?

Replace the radiator. Try JB Weld or JB Kwik Weld on the crack first -- you can pick it up for $4 and it is definitely worth a shot. I have tried the jb weld it didn,t work . I had to buy a new raditor ANSWER I work in a shop where we routinely replace the plastic tank. If you have to repair the plastic tank then do it from the inside. You can separate the tank from the core by carefully loosening the aluminum tabs holding it in place.

Jb weld cure time?

for jb weld to be properly effective, you need to allow it to cure for 15 hours

What is the maximum psi rating for JB Weld products?

The maximum psi rating for JB Weld products is 3960 psi.

Can you use jb weld on a cracked exhaust manifold?

You can try, but it will not stay. The heating and cooling of the manifold will cause the JB weld to fall off.You can try, but it will not stay. The heating and cooling of the manifold will cause the JB weld to fall off.

How much pressure can JB Weld hold before it fails?

JB Weld can typically withstand pressures up to 3,960 psi before it fails.

Will JB Weld glue glass?

Yes, J B Weld will glue to glass

Can you use jb weld on a metal brake line?

replace brake line the damage to the line or if the jb weld gets into the line it will affect how the system works.

Does jb weld work?

JB weld works great... I have used it several times for different types of projects when working on my car and I love it... use it... you will like it too... :)