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I'm assuming you have homeowners insurance. You should contact your agent or the policy services dept. of your insuring company and discuss this with them, there may not be coverage under your liability portion of your homeowners policy to cover him, and you may want to add an endorsement. Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more!

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Q: How should I handle liability insurance given that I pay local handymen to fix roof leaks and they don't have insurance?
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You are starting a residential cleaning business Should you get general liability insurance or professional liability insurance?

You need a commercial general liability policy.

Should volunteer sports coaches get general liability insurance?

No, because they are volunteering to do it. If they got liability insurance for it, then they should just get paid for doing it.

What should you do if you run into an illegally parked car backing out of your driveway and you only have liability insurance and the hit vehicle already had damage to the same area?

Let your insurance company handle it. They do it all the time.

Handle the insurance after a hit and run and did not see driver but have licence plate number but only have liability insdurance?

Car insurance in general is not built for you when you are not at fault in an accident. You should complete a police report and and contact an attorney to help sue the at-fault party. If you have just liability you are not paying your insurance company for help in this matter. Liability pays for the damage you cause when you are at-fault in an accident.

Does liability insurance get you money for a car if your car is totaled?

The other parties liability should if it was their fault. Your liability should cover the vehicle you damaged.

Do I need professional liability insurance as a massage therapist?

It is mandatory for a massage therapist to have liability insurance. If you do not currently have it you should definitely contact your insurance company if your current office does not provide it.

How much general liability insurance should a tenant be required to carry?

Liability requirements should be commensurate with the risk expsoure excountered. One might ask, What is the maximum libility exposure of the tenant? This would be the amount of liability insurance to carry.

What are reasons that one would need to purchase business liability insurance?

Business liability insurance protects a company's assets from a lawsuit. If a business is high risk or doesn't have enough capital to cover a lawsuit, they should have business liability insurance.

What's garage liability insurance and its coverage?

Your garage insurance should be covered by home owners insurance or renters insurance. I am not sure you would need liability insurance in a garage though, because no one else would be hurt in there.

What is covered in a commercial liability insurance?

Yourself and the cargo you are carrying should be covered under this insurance. It also protects your company from liability in case of an accident or emergency.

If you co-sign for a vehicle should you have liability insurance as well?


What if someone hits you and its not his car and there are no insurance on the vehicle?

His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.