

How select the v fd?

Updated: 10/16/2024
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Q: How select the v fd?
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lt 45,fd 5o,rt 45,fd 50,rt 45 fd 50,rt 90,fd 50,rt 45,fd 50,rt 45,fd 50

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fd 60 rt 100 fd 60 rt 100 fd 60 rt 100 fd 60

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I can find no "fd" in official measurements

What fd stand for?

fd stand for food

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umm is that a real question?

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to house REPEAT 4 [fd 100 lt 90] fd 100 lt 90 REPEAT 3 [FD 100 RT 120] lt 90 fd 100 rt 90 fd 35 REPEAT 2 [FD 60 RT 90 FD 50 RT 90] fd -5 rt 90 REPEAT 2 [FD 40 RT 90 FD 25 RT 90] penup fd 60 pendown REPEAT 4 [FD 25 RT 90] end put that in Edall hope that helps by chloe who likes licking ou tpigs xxx

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what does fd stan d for